
  1. O

    Just hit $1000 MRR!

    My little SaaS just hit $1000 MRR this week. 5 months ago I was working on a vitamin idea, building an AI stock photo library. One day randomly, a viral tweet about getting free PR from HARO popped up in my feed. Underneath, a startup CEO was complaining about not having time to read those...
  2. L

    what features are missing from our free, open-source SaaS starter?

    Hey r/saas peeps, On January 30th, we released Open SaaS, a free, open-source SaaS starter for React & NodeJS. So far the release is going great with over ⭐️ 3,300 ⭐️ stars on GitHub 🤯 I’m wondering if you all have any burning feature requests that you’d love to see in a SaaS starter template...
  3. S

    The story of how I FINALLY made money with a gpt wrapper... in under a month :)

    Here's a quick story about my biggest SAAS success to date. I was working as a software engineer at Expedia. On the side, I was running cold email outreach for a few saas companies. One of the most time-consuming aspects of doing cold email was writing the email sequences. Especially to do...
  4. J

    Making $190,000 per month with an AI dating assistant

    I found a completely bootstrapped business making $190,000 per month with an app that helps you flirt using AI. While I found it to be slightly dystopian, I couldn’t help read more about how they do it. The problem the business solves is quite simple, but niche. You screenshot a message that...
  5. C

    Apps built on the same public cloud are faster ?

    if two SaaS applications (one deployed on GCP and the other on AWS) are communicating then everyone just assumes there will be latency issues. I am failing to understand, without knowing SaaS applications tenants how could we determine cross cloud communication will introduce latency .. E.g 1...
  6. G

    Learnings from building and launching

    Tech Stack: Python, Flask, Postgresql and Twilio APIHosting: AWSCost to operate: $8 month ($6 for AWS AppRunner + $2 on Twilio costs). Technically AWS is free since I got $1,000 worth of credits for the first 12 monthGetting first users: Pushed my family and friends to try it outMeasure of...
  7. P

    Feedback loops happen the fasted in devtool space, but you can also leverage it in yours. Full post here You can ask your questions.
  8. R

    Here are 9 UX problems users get upset about when using SaaS - and how to fix them

    If user say: 1. "This is too hard" - simplify it 2. "I feel lost" - add guides to help them 3. "I don't get how to" - add instructions 4. "This part confuses me" - make that part clearer 5. "I don't get these words" - simplify the language 6. "Not sure if I did this right" - show them it...
  9. K

    First paying customers, and $1.1K MRR

    After 9 long months, we finally got our first two paying customers, one for $100/m, and another one for $1000/m. I made a post previously that was very popular, and this is a follow-up: reddit post . The short story of that post was that we had a lot of meetings, 9K visitors, around ~700...
  10. H

    Advice for a small SaaS that gets 1-3 new paying customers each month

    Hello all! I built and maintain SliderUI - a SaaS that allows users to build and embed image sliders onto their own websites. It has been live since 2017 but I have recently rebuilt it and started advertising it on my open-source jQuery slider plugin bxSlider. I was hoping that I could describe...
  11. A

    ai-o - Browse the web and chat with AI, side by side

    Hi reddit 👋 I am the developer of "ai-o" - and all-in-one portable chatbot with some useful chat & prompt utilities. I made this from my dislike of context switching between my current task and ChatGPT, alongside the fact that ChatGPT currently is lacking in some core chat utilities such as...
  12. M

    Most hated SaaS products

    Crowdsourcing the most hated SaaS products of all time. Submit your favorites
  13. S

    Can I say that I worked for you?

    The market is really tough as a software developer, it’s almost impossible to break into the industry right now but my whole livelihood depends on getting employment soon or I’m screwed. I would consider myself a good dev and can show you work I’ve done (freelance, projects, my own Saas). All I...
  14. T

    paid a 1000$ for this design - roast our landing page

    hey folks so my team and i are working on a self-serve product for development teams at startups. we had an older one that our in house designer worked on but since it was too enterprise-y we decided to switch things up a little bit, hence we hired a freelancer to work on this(not entirely...
  15. S

    If you read only 10 startup books in 2020, here are my top 10 favorite books I’d recommend to help you from idea to scale

    “It is what you read when you don't have to that determines what you will be when you can't help it.” - Oscar Wilde Words have the power to change us. While articles are a healthy part of any information diet, books often reflect a deeper wealth of wisdom. (It’s quite an accomplishment to put...
  16. L

    I built a website where you can get a shoutout on the homepage for 1$

    I was a bit bored during my semester break and tried to find a way to make some money and came up with the idea of . (Did it just for fun so even if it doesn’t work, at least I learned sth) You can buy a shoutout for 1 USD and it’ll be shown on the main homepage until...
  17. U

    You can't miss these 9 SaaS explainer videos examples. 3rd one is my personal favourite

    I’m back with another “can’t be missed” resource/compilation This time I’ve compiled 50 must watch explainer videos. Spent like 4 days going through approx 115 explainer videos (mostly of b2b tech business) While almost every video had 2-3 overly used elements like generic background music...
  18. D

    Simple strategy to launch free AI tools without buring your pocket

    Free AI tools are a great SEO hack to get more traffic on your website, but my biggest concern always has been abuse of them. Now the strategy I'm going to share isnt 100% bulletproof and folks can definitely get around it. But it has been working well so far. I've implemented it for my...
  19. U

    9 most viewed TikTok videos of top SaaS companies

    Guys you need to see this. I think its time we drop the age old notion of "Tiktok, that's for cringe" Look at this, I found these SaaS companies killing with views. Check it out. Take whatever you can for your Tiktok gameplan ClickUp: Video This video from ClickUp titled "Talking to any...
  20. W

    From 10 to 225 Paid Customers in last 30 days

    Till 12th Feb 2024 we had 10 paid customers only but now we have got 225 paid customers and it is growing. How we did that: Launched On Product Hunt- Became #1st product of the day and week as well Launched on AppSumo with amazing deals. Offered amazing LTDs to customers Listed on various SAAS...