
  1. J

    Question about raising money/investment

    Can only the ‘best’ I.e. highest potential companies raise the 9-figure (100MM+) amounts? Obviously this depends on stage but is being able to raise this amount in series C onwards a sign of confidence/potential. It almost feels like a ‘bragging right’ if that makes sense. What do you think?
  2. K

    No SaaS w/out AI?!

    Im following this sub since some weeks and it seems there are 9/10 SaaS pitched with AI features or even just an "link" to OpenAi Anyone else noticed this?
  3. B

    How I got 200+ users in the first 24 hours

    Within 24 hours of launching my new SaaS, I got 732 unique visitors, 2574 page views, and over 200 users. This was all organic and with basically no followers. This is my second time having the launch of my SaaS go viral, resulting in a ton of initial traction. This means I'm 2/2. I have come...
  4. A

    Attract & close high-intent buyers on your SaaS landing page using these 5 Q&A's

    Persuasive copy is not written - it’s assembled. The 1st step to assemble copy is to capture words & phrases that mirror your user sentiment. Speak the words they speak, and pinpoint their problems. These 5 questions are a great starting point to ask your users so you can communicate on your...
  5. L

    What is the best platform for Internet Startups Mergers &Acquisition? Is there a marketplace for Startups?

    In today's digital age, acquisition marketplaces and VC funding web pages have become a normal phenomenon on the world wide web. Below are some of the leading marketplaces where a lot of Saas and internet businesses get sold or acquired. You can check these legal marketplaces in your spare time...
  6. D

    What brands mess up with growth experimentation

    Which of these would you prefer from a growth test…. Experiment 1: Month 1: +421 leads Month 2: +8 leads Month 3: +12 leads Experiment 2: Month 1: +8 leads Month 2: +28 leads Month 3: +87 leads To me experiment one shows the capacity to launch, which is important, but then I don’t see...
  7. R

    Startup advice?

    I’m 15 y/o, working on a startup. Currently learning the technologies and would like any advice honestly. Some dos and donts. Learning django as of now.
  8. A

    I created a SaaS in 6 hours

    Last week I felt a pain. I had an idea of how to solve it. After 6 hours of thinking and coding and ignoring all best practices for starting a new project I just deployed it. Prior to that I just did a quick research and secured the domain No clue where this is going I know for...
  9. N

    Marketing AMA

    Share the marketing challenge you're currently facing, along with the stage of your business (A, B...), and I'll provide tailored tips to help you overcome it! :-) A. Ideation / pre MVP B. MVP Validation C. Pre launch D. Growth / scale up E. Established F. Any other stage ? Mention in the...
  10. V

    SaaS for Lottery / Lootbox ?

    Let's say I want to create a mobile app where people will participate in winning one of N limited edition gin bottles / shoes / jewelry / any physical goods based on some chance. And let's say I don't want to develop / host my own backend for this. Are there some kind of lottery / lootbox...
  11. S

    Tip: Ship Fast & Learn FASTER than MVPs

    As a PM working at SaaS companies in the US, I used to think that the fastest way of validating a concept was through an MVP (minimum viable product). At my past companies, it'd take about 4 to 6 weeks to ship an MVP (initial research, PRD, code, QA, ship, post-ship analysis). But a few years...
  12. D

    I built Microsoft Teams App that makes 200k/ARR. AMA!

    Hey there, my name is Ilia. I launched my app for Microsoft Teams in summer of 2020 during COVID epidemic. App provides internal knowledge base for companies that using Microsoft Teams. It took me almost 3 years to hit 200k / ARR. I’m working on this app alone I don’t raise any investments I...
  13. P

    (Includes own link) What do you think of our Micro SaaS ideas?

    We spent a week looking at existing plugins for popular platforms including WordPress, Figma, and Shopify, and these are the potential ideas we got: Infographic automator - infographics are one of the most attractive and informative forms of social media marketing but creating them is resource...
  14. W

    Our $0 SaaS makes $0 per month

    So we’ve launched a SaaS after being bugged for e-commerce stores and recommending shopify was no longer an option due to its complexity. These users were instagram users so they needed to not need a manual or hire anyone, it needed to be as easy as Instagram. Here it is it, launched on Dec...
  15. R

    CV feedback to transition into SaaS sales

    Hello all, I am currently a London based software recruiter looking to transition into SaaS sales. Keen to get some feedback on my CV before I start applying so thank you for anyone's critique and feedback! Imgur link here
  16. S

    General Question

    Any SAAS owners looking to hire a remote worker? I am willing to train. My resume will be sent to you via private DM. I currently work a 9-6 salary + commission positon with Telus in Canada making 3-5k a month.
  17. G

    Multi-tenant e-commerce SaaS starter

    Hey Folks, I have been working on a SaaS boilerplate/starter to make launching a multi-tenant e-commerce SaaS business easy. It can also be used to create your online store. It's still a WIP, should be complete very soon. Tech stack: Sveltekit - Frontend framework Hono js + RPC - For...
  18. S

    I’ve decided to develop a collaboration tool that links to Google Sheets(x-post from r/sheets)

    Hi, everyone😊Have you ever thought of the following? I just want my staff to enter data into Google Sheets, but... Google-provided apps are difficult for my staff... No-Code tools are too complicated and expensive... I'm an indie developer living in Japan. Recently, I decided to develop a...
  19. C

    Can you roast tf out my site thx :)

    Hey There guys, so i had an idea an before i fully commit to the idea. I made a simple landing page, would you guys be willing to roast it and tell my why and where its bad. Also to kill 2 birds with one stone would you guys use my SaaS? Its a CRM on steroids basically, i built it because i...
  20. D

    Running 10 MVPs in 2024 the smart way

    I set out to experiment and fail fast with 10 business ideas in 2024. When starting out, I was trying to decide which SaaS idea I should focus on: → Larger market? → VC or bootstrapped? → Selling to executives or middle management? I was trying for weeks to decide which idea I should focus...