small business

  1. 1

    Residential Remodeling: How To Structure a P.M’s Compensation

    Looking for some guidance. In residential remodeling. Roofing/siding/windows/doors. Currently have 3 sales reps with $3.6 million in annual sales. Hiring a project manager. The salary should be $80-120k depending on bonuses. What’s the best way to compensate a project manager to get the...
  2. T

    Buying recycling plant -- Need advice

    I'm really interested in purchasing this recycling plant. It seems pretty straightforward. Since this is a big first-time purchase, I'm worried about messing up. Here are screenshots of the sales statement: the sale is $2.4 million with a 5% down payment and 95% SBA financing. Outside of...
  3. W

    Are Local Directories Worth the Joining Fee

    Hi , I run a ceramics and pottery busienss. I have never used local directories before but I am getting tired of F Ads and G Ads and was wondering if directories are worth the joining fee. Do they actually deliver leads, better G Ranking (they are my two goals).? Any advice on any alternatives...
  4. D

    Wanted to get feedback on the SBA’s T.H.R.I.V.E. Emerging Leaders program - was it worth it?

    I’m thinking about applying and joining our local cohort, but currently undecided if I can commit to a 6 month program at the moment. Was it worth it? Did you learn anything new? Did you have a good group of small business owners in your group? Program link
  5. W

    Sharing P&L with Employees

    I run a business that does about $3m ARR. I have 4 managers and myself. I am considering opening up our P&L to them on a monthly basis so that they can have insight into the financials of the business. My goal is to motivate them and let them feel more in tune with everything. But I am a...
  6. B

    How i grew my business from $0-$250,000 in 4 months

    Hi there! I wrote an article explaining from a high level how I did this! Check it out and send me a message on linkedin, if your interested in learning more!
  7. N

    QBSE Alternative That Can Connect To Bank/CC Track Income/Expenses & Generate Schedule C/P&L Reports?

    Hi, I'm finding QBSE to not be very stable. Always seeing discrepancies when I run the same report it keeps showing different amounts which doesn't make sense to me. In addition, they keep increasing their pricing. I'm looking for a website that works similar to QBSE, where I can do the...
  8. M

    K&B Showroom [Update]

    I want to thank you all so much for commenting on my post the other day about the K&B venture. Quick update because I can’t reply back to everyone as we ended up with over 150 comments. I uncovered a lot of stuff today which explains the bleeding of the business and the lack of profitability...
  9. S

    Minority owner have access to bank account and C.C

    Minority owner to a business. My partner that owns 51% is the only one to have access to the bank accounts and credit cards. The P&L gets shared every month. But is it normal as an owner to not have access to the accounts. I'd have no idea if personal expenses are being ran through the business...
  10. A

    Ways to reduce my small business tax burden in USA

    Hi all. I need ideas on how I can reduce my tax burden. I have a 2 year old small business with me and another individual. We are both 50% owners. We are currently an LLC. We have no employees. The company will only hire contractors, and has no plans to add any more partners. I’ve been...
  11. W

    update: i got a summary of my franchise terms!

    my original post is here: the terms are pasted below: Franchise transition overview 1. Agree to terms within this document 2. Choose territory (where applicable, some teachers do not have a choice of territory due to location) 3. Agree to...
  12. S

    My people here are being compensated with huge amounts from around 1 million dollars to 8 million dollars.

    My people are being compensated for selling their ancestoral lands, villages and farms to govt. Agencies for building dams. A friend of mine, his family got compensated around 7 crores Indian rupees that would amount around 9 millions USD. My town is a population of just about 20,000...
  13. H

    Three issues: 1) SIMPLE IRAs, 2) Hiring a Marketing Firm, and 3) manager/worker hybrid structure

    I have three questions about which I was hoping the small business hive mind might have some insight. 1) Hiring an online marketing firm to help with AdWords, analytics, and online marketing generally, 2) setting up SIMPLE IRA accounts for employees, and 3) assigning roles to employees. One...
  14. L

    Post for those who love biz sale deals! Creative selling structure needed

    I’m selling my CPG brand (asset sale). Our goods sell e-com and wholesale. Buyer has worked for me for 10 years & is CEO right now. She also wants the bld (i personal own it debt free). I think she wants the bld MORE than the biz. Heres the situation. For those who love deals like me - let’s...
  15. W

    I’d like honest opinions on my new proposal idea

    We are event planners, mostly setting up proposals, anniversaries, and birthdays for couples indoor and outdoors. We’ve also setup bridal picnics, etc. Sigh* I honestly want to focus more on couples. I’m so passionate about love, and to make people smile when they see/feel the love from their...
  16. H

    Day 8- What was the duration of the launch campaign of your business?

    A campaign is something I think that most online businesses go for, while physical ones go for a launch day. I would like to know your story. -Was there a specific launch date or event? -Did the campaign have a set end date or timeframe (e.g., "one week," "limited time offer")? -Were there...
  17. P

    Tax ID

    I have had a small business for a while now but I have recently started creating customized apparel and gifts. At first, I was buying blank sweatshirts and t-shirts at Walmart or something similar. I always made sure to buy a good quality but affordable for myself and my customer. I also bought...
  18. R

    I don't recommend Lightspeed Retail/eCommerce -former technical support

    Background: (throwaway account)Not directly an employee but through an outsource company in the Philippines. I'm under Lightspeed account starting from Onsite and Retail, then eCommerce. I apologize for the bad format and grammar, this is my first time posting. Problem with Support • Few...
  19. T

    Should I abandon my current business to work with someone else on theirs?

    Hey guys, It's been about 7 months since I started my current business in F&B industry, and I went from working alone to having 9 part-time employees. $20-30k monthly revenue with about $8-12k monthly profit. I came to visit a bigger city to meet with owners who are doing similar things but on...
  20. S

    Billing and CRM System with Custom Logic for Products

    Hi r/smallbusiness! I am trying to help our company move a manual bookkeeping process into something more automated and less error prone. Here is a generalization of the logic I am looking to put into a software solution. We have products we sell through various third parties. Every third...