small business

  1. L

    Should i start a "Business" at 17y.o

    Im currently studying automechanics at my countries equivalent of a trade school, And working at an auto service for 50% as a student, I planned to leverage this job with school, but i got an offer from a friend to rent a garage and start a small junkyard, buy cars for cheap dismantle them and...
  2. T

    Anyone apply on 4/7?

    I applied for EIDL on 4/7 and have only received a generic email. No credit check or advance. Anyone else apply 4/7 and have something happen? I’m in NC and the application number is 330290XXXX for reference.
  3. R

    Looking for a ~$2000 SEO service. How do I find a good agency that will benefit me, and what should I look for in terms of service?

    Hey everyone. As the title says, we operate a small business (200k revenue, sole proprietorship) that has just qualified for a grant of up to $2000 CAD for SEO purposes. We have an e-commerce website which accounts for a tiny portion of our sales (
  4. J

    Virginia Wage Laws - Former employee Asking for reprint of checks between 8 months and 2 years old

    The short of it is this: Employee worked for me from August 2021 through November 2022. Terminated for no-call/no-shows. Employee's mom calls (employee is 19 at this point) and says employee never cashed a single check and I need to reprint them all and mail them to her. I see Virginia has an...
  5. F

    Scaled e-commerce store from 0-£117k ($145k) in 6months..when to quit 9-5 and go all in?

    Wanted to share a post to show it is possible to achieve results with e-comm & kind of document my way. Launched ads on March 20th of this year. I spent from January - March sourcing manufactures, finalising product design, comparing samples & building website, social & ad accounts. This is my...
  6. R

    ISO Alt j fashion familiar clothing manufacturer

    I have a lot of clothing designs I’d love to bring into reality, but despite years of practice I cannot sew anything more than a simple repair myself. So I’ve decided to use a manufacturer. I’ve checked locally, Fiverr, fb groups/market place, instagram and even Google but I haven’t found...
  7. S

    Behind the scenes of a tiny freelance business - What we’ve learned (long wall o' text, x-post)

    [Hi folks, I originally posted this on /r/Entrepreneur , and I thought it would be of particular interest here - Enjoy!] I thought it might be helpful to shine some light on what goes on behind the scenes at a small freelance business. We’ve been in business for just over nine years, in the...
  8. D

    H E L P needed

    Im starting a review company where i will provide companies,small businesses,startups,and commercial businesses with reviews on their page/google. Any advice where to start or where can i buy old gmail accounts in bulks ?
  9. K

    How long before you were profitable ?

    My husband and I tarted a small business on the side doing something that I love. I didn’t have a ton of start up costs and we are learning as we go . I’m just curious how long did it take until you were profitable? What would u say is average time for businesses ?
  10. S

    Legal adress

    The legal address is one of the most importantelementsof doing business in Ukraine. This address is not onlyofpracticalimportance, but alsolegallyimportantfor your company. If you know how rent legal adress in Ukraine, you can protect your taxobligations, reputation and business development...
  11. S

    Youtube automation videos

    Hi, i was looking a bit into youtube automation and was wondering where do people who edit the videos find pieces of other videos? For example this video, where do they get clips or videos of people using the gadgets?
  12. S

    Can you interpret this balance sheet

    Basically I am looking at forming a new tea company and I just want to know if it is a viable business, (I don't want any opinions), it would be helpful if I could know if it is sustainable and if it works so could you help me work out the profits or sales from this very similar tea company's...
  13. R

    Why shouldn’t I own a laundromat?

    There are a million articles about the benefits of owning one. Tell me why I shouldn’t. What headaches, expenses and pain points exist that aren’t in most blog posts?
  14. T

    Scheduling Recommendation

    Hey folks, I'm looking for a (perhaps) unique way to schedule for up to roughly 20 employees. This is a healthcare setting with 24/7 needs. My employees are required to work 12 shifts per month. I'd like the following: 1) Staff start by "x"ing out days that they do not want to work. This is...
  15. B

    Survey on brand loyalty in the fashion sector (All welcome, Generation Z participants preferred)

    Hi everyone! As part of the MPS Fashion Management program at Parsons School of Design, I’m conducting a survey for my thesis which aims to assess the concept of brand loyalty across generations with a sustained focus on the Generation Z viewpoint in the fashion landscape today. It would be...
  16. B

    YSK: Tier 2’s operate MONDAY-SUNDAY 8:00AM-8:00PM

    Sry if im stating the obvious, The last tier 2 rep i spoke to said this. If they say they don’t work weekends, they are full of it. Just call back lol.
  17. C

    I’d like to buy a business I helped build but can’t afford

    A couple years ago, I started helping out a small business on the side. There were 2 people involved including the owner. They were doing fine, but on a tiny scale. I joined them in the trenches for a couple months before we struck gold. I don’t want to get specific for privacy reasons, but I...
  18. E


    I’m in the business finance space. I recently joined X (Twitter), as a way to start promoting my personal brand. As such, I’m starting with zero followers (well 1 - my wife thinks I’m pretty good at what I do 🤓) I have some family on my wife’s side that have a fair amount of followers - 3...
  19. B

    Can I clean my apartment building common spaces for money?

    I recently moved into a brand new apartment building that does not have a live-in superintendent and after being here for a month, it doesn’t look like they have a cleaning service for the common spaces either. The vibe I’m getting from the building owners is they set these new builds up to be...
  20. O

    Forgot to File Taxes for a $0 inactive S-Corp in 2022

    I just realized that I forgot to submit my tax return for an S-Corp I started in 2020. It never ended up going anywhere so no money has been made or spent in 3 years. I filed an 1120s in 2021 but I forgot to in 2022. I just filed for 2023. But we are dissolving the S-Corp this year. Will...