startup accelerators

  1. N

    App For Startup Community

    Hi Guys, I'm a 2nd year CS student at the (UofC). I have just launched an app for the STARTUP COMMUNITY (VenturNova). Can you'll please join and provide feedback on how I can improve and expand its reach? ☺️ Thank you so much. You guys are the best!
  2. L

    Top Startup Accelerators Worldwide

    Hi fellow founders, Just looking to get a collective opinion on what are some really good startup accelerators (obviously YC is up there). Giving everyone a bit of context, a college friend and I started working on this side project Cody - your personalized coding mentor!. We've launched only...
  3. G

    Seeking Advice: Enhancing City Partnerships through Digital Innovation

    Hi everyone, I’m part of a team working on an exciting project to strengthen the partnership between two major cities through digital innovation. Both cities have vibrant startup ecosystems, and we're looking for ways to leverage digital tools to foster collaboration and cultural exchange...
  4. A

    How to get into YC

    An interview with Jake Stein, the Founder & CEO of Common Paper, regarding his experience participating in the Y Combinator Winter 2023 batch.
  5. O

    [Feedback] A database of 50k+ Angels and VCs to raise your capital 💸

    Angel Match is a database of 50k+ Angels and VCs to help you raise capital for your startup. ( Searching for investors who are the right fit for your business is an exhausting and challenging process. Manually gathering data by going through every investor's profile on...
  6. I

    I’m going to open my own startup! Any advice?

    Hi everyone, I am an Italian guy just graduated and in the next couple of months I am going to open a fintech startup in Italy, do you have any advice for me? Like about something to pay attention, how to start, mistakes not to make at the beginning etc... also I would be very curious and...
  7. B

    Does YCombinator have a monopoly on the Startup Accelerator space like Sam Altman thinks?

    Is YCombinator the startup accelerator monopoly?? If so, how should "monopoly" in this domain be defined? (most deal flow, most demand for program acceptance, hottest companies coming out of it?). Seems like there should be more discussion about this considering the growing trend of...
  8. A

    How do I hire right after 5 months of getting it wrong?

    I started working for a new startup Tech company that prefers to hire professionals with diverse backgrounds. My company specifically likes to target the global pool, and being in charge of hiring, I have hired three DevOps so far in the last 5 months and they have been below par. I am new to...
  9. B

    A lil short$$

    Just a Yes or No I’m pretty sure I already know the majority answer because I’m in that financial position now where I would use this daily. So here is the scenario… Say you have $100 but your bill is $150, you can classify yourself as a lil short $$. I think a ton of people are in this...
  10. B

    New book "breaks down" Startup Accelerators for aspiring entrepreneurs

    Accelerator programs have become one of the most powerful and valuable resources for entrepreneurs seeking to learn rapidly, build powerful networks, raise capital, build their startups and do this at speed and scale. In recent years, the number of accelerator programs around the world has grown...
  11. L

    Thoughts on best way to improve our offer?

    Hey guys, my name is Adam and I am the Co-Founder and CEO of Sales Hero. We are a sales outreach based lead generation / consulting agency who specialize working with start up companies and building processes from the ground up. We have 2 offers that we have been running since October which...
  12. A

    Help! Is demo day or investment the only/best outcome?

    Looking at startup accelerators, but it seems like they only accelerate the starting up!?!?! My company is a little further along. We have a team, a product, paying customers, but we want more; more faster. We have discussed it internally, but r not sure a demo day is worth giving up 6%. Now...
  13. E

    Exploring Orbic AI - A Community for AI Enthusiasts and Developers

    Hey everyone, I’m stoked to share Orbic AI, a game-changer for anyone into AI. Whether you're a solo dev or part of a huge team, Orbic AI is here to make your life easier and your projects better—all for free. Yep, you read that right. Here’s what makes Orbic AI awesome: Free Registration: No...
  14. R

    How to Select the Right Investors for Your Startups

    In my hosting/meeting VCs and founders, not many delve upon the topic how important it is to find the right investor whose vision aligns with your objectives. In the vast sea of venture capital, finding the right investors for your startup isn’t just about opening doors to capital; it’s about...
  15. C

    Searching for A Co-founder & an Investor (Coffee Export & Coffee shop)

    Hi 👋, My name is ishimwe Prince am a start-up Founder of Asap Group we focus on coffee export around the world by connecting local coffee farmers and international market. Am really looking forward for a co-founder who is interested in coffee trade and an investors who we can rise together in...
  16. P

    Best pitch contest for a tech product startup to debut the company?

    Warm hello! I have a AI powered device I’d like to present at a pitch contest in the Silicon Valley area. Hopefully make a small splash. Any recommendations for an solid upcoming pitch contests, any to steer clear of? I don’t want to just pick a random event off EventBrite, from a flyover state.
  17. J

    Learn to say 'No' if you own a Business

    Being self-employed, whether an entrepreneur or a freelancer (not having to sit in a 9-5 office), your time might be taken for granted. And hence, your demand increases. Whether it's a party at friend's house, small house chores(personal - family/friends' requests) or unimportant agendas or...
  18. E

    Founder/Startup Research Project

    Hi - I'm a graduate student doing research for my capstone project. I'm looking for founders and other key decision makers to take my survey. I'd love the help and I'm happy to share summary results of the project with anyone who fills out my survey and volunteers to talk further. Thanks...
  19. H

    Techstars Paris

    Does anyone have experience with Techstars Paris? I was invited to apply for my sustainability startup but I don’t wanna do so solely based off the allure of the city. Does any one have any experience w/ them or have heard anything about it?
  20. P

    $100K Accelerator + mentorship for pre-seed B2B SaaS companies!

    At Forum Ventures, we believe some of the best companies are started in down-markets. 📝Which is why this month, we’re writing 10+ checks, into B2B SaaS founders, for $100k + admission to our pre-seed accelerator. Forget about the generic startup-school you’ve seen from other accelerators. Our...