startup accelerators

  1. S

    7 Reasons You Should Enter a Startup Competition

    7 Reasons You Should Enter a Startup Competition One of the hardest parts of starting a new business is getting it off the ground. Raising startup funds, learning the ropes and finding those first few customers is not easy. Success takes hard work and hustle – but if you know where to go and...
  2. J

    Serious people of Reddit - I am for sale t/c

    People of Reddit, I have understood that the audience here can be sarcastic and also seriously helpful when needed. This is my first post, and I am in dire need of your help. Hold your horses, I am not gonna ask for money or maybe I will. Motive - I need a Job and any help to figure this out...
  3. R

    (x-post r/startups) Here are 11 proven tactics for improving your pitching

    As always, just read the Medium Article. So much better depth, formating and pretty pictures. TL;DR Content is king. But the way you deliver the content can make all the difference. Use CLT's, 11 verbal and non-verbal tactics that have been quantitatively proven to have positive effect in...
  4. M

    If you want to join an accelerator program this year, these are the only ones left

    SparkLabs, Seoul, South Korea - Applications open June, 2017 500 Startups LATAM, Mexico City, Mexico - Applications open June 2017 Techstars Healthcare Accelerator - Los Angeles, CA, USA - Accepting applications through June 9, 2017 Metro/Techstars Hospitality Accelerator - Berlin...
  5. J

    The Myth Of Unique Startup Ideas

    Introduction One of the first questions that you get when you tell anyone your startup ideas is “has anyone already done it.” Usually the implication is that if someone has already done it that is a bad thing, that you aren’t a “first mover” and that your idea isn’t unique and most likely...
  6. B

    ALERT: Questionnaire for those wanting to join an accelerator program, and Accelerator alumni who can offer advice

    There’s no question the accelerator landscape has evolved over the years. “Entrepreneurship" has become word candy, more companies start and die each year than ever before, and now accelerators have become a breeding ground for growth and in some cases, startup greatness. As the landscape...
  7. P

    Applying to Y Combinator (W18)

    Hey all! We are an early-stage startup applying to YC for the upcoming winter batch and would be super grateful if you could provide us with some feedback for our application. Thanks a lot! Love,
  8. A


    🚨 Attention, startup founders! 🚀 Email outreach to investors is now easier, faster, and more efficient, thanks to (Watch the Video of how to reach investors using Majilabs). With our platform, you can mass personalize and send emails to investors, increasing your chances of closing...
  9. R

    Things to remember when you negotiate with an investor for fund raising

    While you negotiate with an investor: a. Don’t negotiate against yourself: Often the investors will ask you to revise the valuation number without giving their own number , saying that your expectation is too high. This is a technique to get you to reduce the valuation. In such cases, you...
  10. A

    Startup Programs – What do these Programs Consist of, How to Apply (Free Resource)

    Hi all, I wanted to provide a free resource for those of you that are interested in startup accelerators. The resource includes over 50 video interviews with written transcripts focused on startup accelerators and startup programs for students. Startup Accelerators...
  11. T

    The new Bitcoin train,i have bought some, and i WANT to be a millionaire!

    hi there ,i have realized about a crowdfunding project from Switzerland which focuses more on tech projects like anonymity and e currencies.We all know about the bitcoin train, most of us did not use it, but this project promises alot of good news, i have bought it and i would like to share...
  12. G

    Crowdholding-The Godfather of Startups

    Crowdholding connects the crowd with Startups, allowing you to give feedback and ideas in return for future revenue. TL;DR
  13. T

    How My New AI Startup Make $3000+ in 35 Days ( Proof )

    How My New AI Startup Make $3000+ in 35 Days ( Proof ) I was so frustrated because Every time I want to access ChatGPT, I need to login ChatGPT first, filling password, Captcha, and changing browser tab again and again for using Chatgpt that complete make me unproductive and overwhelming. So...
  14. I

    US Air Force SBIR Funding opportunity $50 K non-dilutive

    A friend of mine sent this to me - so I thought I would share: US Air Force has a SBIR funding program. 300+ startups will be awarded $50K government contracts in the next 60 days. Are you ready to apply? Start your application today...
  15. T

    I created 5 GPTs to make the life of startup founders easier

    - Roast My Startup (defend your business against a very critical investor): - Pitch Deck-GPT (assistant to craft your pitch deck): - Instablog (SEO-trained copywriter)...
  16. J

    20 startup accelerators accepting applications over the next 2 weeks

    Hi All, I have a weekly newsletter / blog called The MBA Is Dead where I post startup accelerator application closing dates. I also try my best to include their deal terms. Rather than just post a link, I thought I would just dump the raw content here. Hope you find value in it! Startup...