startup accelerators

  1. P

    $100K Accelerator + mentorship for pre-seed B2B SaaS companies!

    At Forum Ventures, we believe some of the best companies are started in down-markets. 📝Which is why this month, we’re writing 10+ checks, into B2B SaaS founders, for $100k + admission to our pre-seed accelerator. Forget about the generic startup-school you’ve seen from other accelerators. Our...
  2. H


    Hey Founders, Don't forget that federal filings for your C corp are due Mid-April. At Inkle, we specialize in compliance and accounting for startups through our SaaS platform. We're affordable, efficient, and serve more than 330 startups (including 5% of YC's global portfolio). We would...
  3. S

    Would this idea interest anyone? (market research)

    Hello, everyone! My name is Davíd and I'm an entrepreneur living in NYC. For the last 15 years I've been helping clients grow their businesses through thoughtful branding and copywriting. Lately, I’ve been on the search for a community that a. talks about branding & copywriting, and b. focuses...
  4. C

    Please utilize video marketing for your startup. You'll outperform most of your unsavvy competitors

    I just have to get this off of my chest for a little bit but how come most startups avoid doing video marketing like the plague. Across the board from this study and this study, video has been shown to convert more people into sales, leads, and even subscribers. I understand that making video...
  5. J

    INVESTORS - I NEED YOUR HELP! Help Shape the Future of Startup Investing

    Hello! I'm currently wrapping up my studies as a senior economics student, and I'm finishing up my dissertation on information asymmetry in startup investing. As I approach the final stretch, I'm reaching out to seasoned investors like you to lend a hand—or rather, your insights! Here's the...
  6. U

    Who are potential startup founders?

    Hey! Doing some research to adjust/improve the content and communication strategies for a local startup community in Lithuania. An important aspect in this case is the age and occupation of potential startup founders. Those of you who are seriously considering creating one or have already...
  7. T

    Which Social Media Platform Do You Prefer and What Features Are a Must-Have?

    I'm curious to know which social media platform you prefer using the most and what specific features make it your favorite. Additionally, if a new social media platform emerged with the features you've always wanted, would you consider switching or using it alongside your current favorites...
  8. L

    AKOOL film quality video AI APIs are available! ALL startups get free 2 months access!

    Considering creating your own video apps or avatars? AKOOL film quality video AI APIs are here for you to use, and it is FREE for startups for first two months! Visit to get started and email []( to get FREE access!
  9. M

    Personalize customer experience, based on user behavior

    Hello r/StartupAccelerators, We are building - customer experience personalization for SaaS products. Imagine that when you go to a burger restaurant, you receive a personalized digital menu. Just like this, you can completely personalize the menus, navbar, theme. It is an API &...
  10. K

    Interested in Participating in Academic Creativity Research Using Smartphone App for Data Collection by any chance?

    This is probably a bit out of the norm for posts here, but I am conducting PhD research on team learning & creative performance, and my passion is with startup teams. I just came across this subreddit and figured I would give it a go and see if any of you (and your teams) might be interested in...
  11. B

    “Business Strategies”: AI Chatbot to perform SWOT and PESTLE (and others) analysis on your startup. Just need provide business document URL

    Hello folks, for those who are keen in AI for business or marketing strategy analysis for your startup (or investment decisions), I have built (and been using) a custom OpenAI chatbot that helps you to: analyze your business case/strategy. support analysis with real-time industry trends with...
  12. C

    Why the fuck am I not an entrepreneur yet?!!

    I’ve been thinking so hard about being an entrepreneur and I can’t simply just get started. Life has thrown a lot of shit but I survived. I come from a family where my father lost 13 businesses now I am 30. I think I have what it takes to be an entrepreneur but somehow I just can’t start. I...
  13. F

    Why Great Ideas Don’t Make it out of University

    If I asked you to name an extraordinary, world-changing scientist, your answer might be “Albert Einstein”. If I asked you to name a self-determined, driven entrepreneur, you may respond with “Steve Jobs”. If I asked you to name a notable scientific entrepreneur... you’d most likely scratch...
  14. M

    Accelerator suggestions for my startup (

    Hello everyone, I’d like to get your thoughts and feedback on a project that I am working on and also get suggestions for which accelerators to apply. TLDR: It’s called “vagon” - an easy to use personal performance computer on the cloud. ( I provided details for those who are...
  15. L

    We got accepted by Techstars Oakland'24! I'd love to share how it happened here

    Hi everyone! Our team got accepted by Techstars Oakland'24 last February. I have an interesting story to share about why I decided to build this service, how I found my first users and more. What We Built: No-code software that integrates custom AI (e.g., GPTs, Assistants, Claude) into daily...
  16. M

    Our Discord Community

    Hello r/StartupAccelerators! Ferhat here. I set up a Discord server for founders & accelerator partners! ✨ Inspiring conversations with fellow solo founders. 💡 Creative brainstorming sessions. 🔍 Valuable insights on bootstrapping, growth, and product development. 📢 Opportunities for...
  17. B

    200 customers, $300 monthly subscription fee, 9 paying customers. Should I try startup accelerator?

    Hey fellas! Unfortunately my knowledge about startup accelerators is somewhere near 0, that’s why I am asking this question. So I have a little sass platform for crypto traders and crypto funds that has 200 total customers, 9 paying customers ($300/month from each). At this moment of time I...
  18. B

    Im building a platform for a founder looking for cofounders!

    Hi guys, im building a platform for founders looking for technical, creative, business & marketing cofounders. Everyone asks what make it different to YC Cofounder match. The main idea behinde it! If you have a startup idea, you can share it on the platform and you can say what type of...
  19. J

    Upscale Blurry Photos to Magic! New AI Tool on Product Hunt

    Yo Redditors! Been working on a super cool project over at, and I'm bursting to share it with you! This website is gonna be a game-changer for anyone who wants to take their blurry photos from meh to magnificent. Here's the scoop: harnesses the power of...
  20. R

    $12800 / 2400ft2 - Brand New Office Space for Sublet (High Ceilings & Natural Light) (SOMA / south beach)

    Brand New Office Space with High Ceilings and Lots of Natural Light for Sublet Brand new modern office space that was renovated in November with wood tile flooring, high ceilings, skylights, big windows, and new appliances. Great creative space for small startups that is split between a front...