y combinator

  1. F

    How we ranked # 2 rank on Google in just 2 month

    EDIT -> TLDR: Rank for keywords that are easier in the beginning, to get traffic to your site. Show the search engines that people are wanting to see what you are doing/selling. Then slowly build link authority by having blogs post about you. Side note places like ProductHunt (all you have to do...
  2. S

    What We Look For In Founders

    This is not meant to be self promotion, rather i am sharing this for the listeners of Paul Graham and y combinator community. I have uploaded another AI synthesis of Paul Graham reading his own essay. This and the other essays on the channel might be beneficial for you guys. 😄👍 Today i uploaded...
  3. F

    Thoughts on Aesthetic MVPs?

    I wanted to push back on the sentiment I’ve heard expressed by YC folk. I’m not necessarily married to this opinion and am just thinking out loud, and would be curious as to what everyone thinks. Michael Seibel explained once in a video that when it comes to MVPs, you should 'launch quickly and...
  4. A

    Visa Options for Startup Founder

    There are many great resources online covering immigration pathways for entrepreneurs, including from our very own USCIS. I thought it would be useful to provide some additional context unique to founders looking into the YC program. First, it's important to note that there are 2 primary...
  5. Q

    What happens if we get accepted into YC?

    Me and my co-founder are on F-1 and H-1B visas here in the US. We’re currently working full-time. Upon getting an acceptance, I’m unclear about how it would allow us to create our own entity and start working as a part of it. Also, unclear if a change to a flexible visa is an available option...
  6. P

    Help with livestreaming social app. Video SDK (Twilio, Agora, etc) too expensive

    Hi, we are two GenZ cofounders (24 and 21) building the first study stream platform in Southeast Asia to help young professionals focus and feel less lonely. Check us out at: www.lean.social Our biggest struggle right now is our video streaming infrastructure and its prohibitive cost. We are...
  7. T

    Re:Invent thoughts

    No surprise that AWS’s focus this year was mainly on Generative AI. Having worked there I would say that was not the focus at the beginning of the year, and although everything that they presented brings a lot of value and is really cool, some stuff seemed rushed. Even the org that I worked in...
  8. F

    AI Startups raised nearly 30B last 12 months

    Detail see below, interesting how many seed and series A are there, skewed by mega redounds but the data is open Source here https://preview.redd.it/3kcdty7m76vc1.png?width=844&format=png&auto=webp&s=94a29466044e44ae21092fd28e1e7ca8c5f8c2a2
  9. S

    I am planning to apply to ycombinator. Is it good enough?

    I am working on thedrive.ai, and planning to apply to ycombinator in the next cycle. I was wondering if anyone would be able to give some feedback on idea validation, and what specifically should I mention in my application that would make it stand out? Application link...
  10. J

    Got an interview!

    Got an interview. Feels so surreal. Update: we got in !!!! Will write another post about the interview process. P.S : DM me and I can send a link to the website if you are interested
  11. J

    Fellow YC aspirants, roast my startup

    Hey guys! I'm dying to get my app absolutely obliterated. No, seriously. I applied to the W23 batch (my 7th application overall). For the last couple of months I've been working on ShopMe. What started as a price checker for in-store items evolved a universal wishlist app because we found out...
  12. R

    How I Met My Technical Co-Founder On Co-Founder Match

    Background I’ve been working in software sales for about 10 years. I do not write code, but I’m pretty good with technology (picked up SQL for example). Over the past 7+ years I’ve had various insights and ideas for software products (as I’m sure people here can understand) but the biggest...
  13. A

    YC founder thinks AI Wrappers are doomed to fail

    Theo - T3 a YC founder says the following on his last video
  14. F

    Pivoted, got our first paying customer... now what??

    Context: Left previous employer and started working on original idea Worked full time to get MVP out Got paying customers -> they all left Customers were more interested in a certain aspect of product Pivoted to that aspect Ran out of money so got job to be able to live and build MVP Built MVP...
  15. J

    Caldwell and Seibel on the important of business people finding a technical Co founder

    Here’s a summary of their chat: On Embracing the Startup Adventure: "They don't realise you're offering Adventure, you're offering the unknown. An adventure isn't here's my idea for a social network for dogs, will you build my website? No, let's build a company together. That's adventure." On...
  16. B

    References in the application

    If you refer to an article in your y comb app (e.g., in the ‘how do you know there’s a need for your idea’ section) is it best to cite the article? I’m in two minds because: Y comb loves a citation to external articles on their blogs It’s a good idea to back up your claims. But at the same...
  17. T

    (June YC W21) An online primary school to learn Analytics

    Hey folks! Enzo speaking, CEO at June (YC W21) I wanted to share that we’re launching the first primary School online to teach analytics to startup employees! 🏡 Analytics school: https://school.june.so/ If you ever asked yourself why dealing with data is so complex, then this class should...
  18. J

    Interviewed but haven’t heard back after multiple follow up emails

    Is it just me or are there a bunch of founders out there as well who have been interviewed but received no response? I’ve heard from friends who got in it’s usually a same day rejection/acceptance. We’ve gotten about two follow up emails to clarify for info but still nothing.
  19. M

    Solofounding & Solofunding is tough, but worth it (my reflections, 4 years into it)

    I am somewhat technical — building sites since the early 2000s, but I’m in my 30s now in a non-technical corp marketing gig. As I started working on this side project, I knew it was important to hire a dev who can code while I leverage my day job salary and bonus to keep the whole thing afloat...
  20. D

    From MVP to Real

    I have a well made, ugly, sorta heavy, but working, machine. It cost me a lot to build due to experimentation, but now I have a good working product. I also have three pre-orders (this machine is a farm tool that will be somewhere around $5000, having a few pre-orders is a big deal to me) which...