y combinator

  1. A

    How to simulate/run YC program yourselves

    Hi Everyone, I've faced rejection from Y Combinator about five times now, but each attempt has been a learning curve, and I'm excited to share these insights while they're still fresh in my mind. I am hoping this finds those founders who are clear about starting something and just don't give it...
  2. D

    Your experience with 🍃

    Hey ya’ll I’m a part-time technical founder. The pressure of working a full-time job (at another startup) and working on my own project becomes exhausting sometimes. Weed helps me put in more hours, but I know it’s not a longterm solution. It makes me slow and impatient. What is everyone’s...
  3. A

    If you applied on ]October13; December7[ and still haven’t heard back from Yc, then your startup has most likely been refused

    Y Combinator (YC) has clearly stated that they welcome applications until December 13, using a special code to distinguish between late and excessively late submissions. They plan to complete the review of all applications by December 20, with a 7-day interval. This implies that they've already...
  4. A

    Rejected, Fintech, over U$100k MRR, started 11 months ago. 3 strong co-founders, 2 recommendations from ex-YC’s

    I just received rejection email (non 10%), I’m building a fintech in Brazil & LATAM for Cross Border Payment Processing, small team (9 people, including 3 co-founders), nice traction (from 0 to U$100k+ MRR in 10 months, and 30+ clients) and low costs (U$25k/month). We are already generating...
  5. J

    The application I used to get into YC as a solo founder and no revenue, AMA

    It is about that time of the year again when there are a lot of questions about what YC invests in and doesn't invest in. I've been trying to help out in comments, but I think my experience with YC runs contrary to the assumptions most people seem to have about YC so I thought I'd just go ahead...
  6. L

    Looking for resources/articles/books re: pricing your ( software ) product

    How do you arrive at the price of your product? I have the beta I just want to have a starting price ( or price range ) before I send it to users. Obvs this can change later, I just want to do the YC test of "are users willing to pay for it"? I downloaded some books such as Monetizing...
  7. B

    Would you apply again?

    I’m a solo founder that got rejected last batch. The rejection email had the message about partnering up with a cofounder. None of my friends or past coworkers want to take a risk in this market. I’ve been matching with potential founders but everyone seems half in/half out. On the product and...
  8. L


    How did doordash get away with not talking about their actual revenue. Is the tactic of using fancy words for GMV encouraged? (10k in sales) (1.5m annualized restaurant sales)
  9. T

    Garry's response to the rubric

  10. R

    All the accelerators & YC alternatives accepting applications in March 2024

    Collected an updated list of accelerator programs/YC alternatives currently accepting applications this month, including terms and deadlines. As always, let me know in the comments if there are any good ones I'm missing. Applications Open Conviction Embed - Accelerator for "AI-Native"...
  11. C

    Setting up a European Subsidiary for a Delaware Company: best practices

    Greetings fellow entrepreneurs, I have a few queries about setting up a European subsidiary for our Delaware-based company. The majority of our business operations are based in the U.S., however, our technical development is based in Switzerland. We are currently considering establishing a...
  12. J

    Rejected and yet *so* happy I applied

    Hey everyone, I applied late, around May 13th, and received the rejection email yesterday. However, I am still genuinely happy for the following reasons: Thinking obsessively about YC for a month catalyzed so many new ideas and good conversations. The month I spent waiting was exhilarating...
  13. R

    Comprehensive list of competing startup accelerator programs with terms and application dates

    EDIT: Made a sortable Notion table of all the accelerator programs below plus a bunch of new ones I found, including some that don't include guaranteed investment. __________________________ For anyone wondering about other programs, I compiled as comprehensive a list as I could find...
  14. E

    YC rejection stings less after speaking with unicorn founder

    Like many, we were rejected from YC after our third or fourth attempt. What surprised us, was not even landing an interview. I'd previously been reached out to by a YC partner saying my application was strong, but just needed a co-founder. We had customers, 4-digit MRR, market validation in an...
  15. P

    San Francisco Unsafe for YC founders

    I’ve been following the news and even the tweets of all the YC partners and founders who live in San Francisco. They are really into the politics of their city and fighting to see it become better. However, isn’t it a bit disturbing that YC keeps pushing for founders to set up their companies in...
  16. C

    We submitted YC S20 application

    We submitted the YC S20 application. We are fighting our ass off to remain afloat in this hard situation. I applaud all the entrepreneurs who are becoming more and more creative to fight for their companies and their employees. Hats off folks! We have an e-commerce gift platform with AI to...
  17. E

    New Startup Ideas Spreadsheet

    I found this 14 years old spreadsheet which people crowdsourced for new startup ideas 14 years back. If you look at them, you can find ideas like Figma, Hex, Google colab way back in 2010. Super interesting right? So, I want to recreate this spreadsheet in 2024. Here is the link to old...
  18. A

    Questions from our S23 Interview

    For anyone still prepping, I thought I'd share our questions from our interview yesterday. For some context: We're b2c freemium saas, main user base academics, launched with revenue, two person team. This was our 2nd interview for the same idea. Tell us what you're building Tell me how you...
  19. C

    AMA: Grading our YC app from S20 (raised $24M after)

    Hey everyone - With YC applications for the S24 batch opening any day now, I was feeling nostalgic. So I dug through our app from S20 for my company CommandBar to see how good it was, where we deviated since, what we got wrong, etc. After YC we crossed $1M ARR, raised two rounds ($24M total)...
  20. E

    YC website down?

    I got a message from YC but seems like the website is down? Anyone else getting this page too? https://preview.redd.it/4fvzvjg3gbxa1.png?width=1790&format=png&auto=webp&s=ae47b80d8a883475facf4d38076111c3719db270