❓Requests for Feedback Megathread


New member
Hey y'all! In n effort to keep the sub a little more organized, we're going to use this megathread for your Requests for Feedback (RFF).

Try to use this format for your RFF:

One-liner for what you're working on:

Link to YC app / product:

Any specific questions you have:

And for those providing feedback, please reply in thread!

Here is a link to our last feedback megathread.
@sanyambe Hey there. My partner and I are working on a market research application designed to help entrepreneurs and product teams validate ideas with real customers, at scale. Our goal is to make market research as easy as texting a friend.

You can visit our early landing page here: emetinsights.com.

We're a couple of months away from launching our main product, but for now we're thinking of offering a one-off service where we provide market (TAM, comps, etc) and competitive analysis reports, which would include a 30-60 min call and 3-5 page professional report along with graphics for your deck. Thoughts? We're also open to suggestions on alternatives!
@mikeski528 Just some thoughts on this: I've seen a few "interview/research with people at scale (not a call)". But who are your ICPs? UX and market research team have very formulated processes since they prioritize quality over quantity. Are you just aiming for casual researchers of topics, like I would call "a founder trying to quickly validate an idea" a casual researcher of a topic.
@robertarmerding Great feedback, thank you! Yes, exactly. Our target market is entrepreneurs who want to validate an idea with real people and product teams who want to do "quick dip" market research. The positioning in the latter category is to achieve a price point that enables "high-velocity" sales to product teams instead of going through the corporate sales process.

Our founding team includes a 35+ market research veteran (President and CRO of various full-service firms), and we're not trying to compete with the established MRX firms but instead to expand the market for market research by making it more accessible to earlier-stage organizations (although, there is a world where we'll white label some of our tools).
Just by way of update, in the spirit of "doing things that don't scale," we're launching today on Product Hunt (https://www.producthunt.com/posts/emet-insights) with just a few products and the ability to pre-purchase credits for market research surveys as a way to show the world that making market research accessible to early-stage companies and product teams is a problem worth fixing.

Your support would go a long way to bringing about a reality where we can offer accessible market research to the masses without sacrificing quality.
@mikeski528 The point is not to validate ideas with “real people“, the point is to validate my potential customers.

If I come to you with a SaaS aimed at dairy farmers or HR tech aimed at large corporations HR departments or a consumer app for breast feeding new moms, are you going to bring me dairy farmers or HR decision makers or new moms?

Recruiting is hard. I work in UX research so I know first hand just how difficult it is. How do you plan to handle recruitment?
@mikeski528 Wow that's exactly what I'm doing right now. Probably we have different methods of implementing this, but the notion of providing affordable market research is also something I started working on
@sanyambe Hey there. I'm working on meteor-files.com — Resume interrupted file uploads without losing any progress

Couple of words about Meteor Files:
  1. Upload can get resumed after internet interruptions, computer reboots, closing tab or browser. Continue uploading even from another device! For example pulling out USB drive and resuming upload from another computer
  2. The first file-upload service without file-size constraints. The first to overcome 5TB limit per single file!
I hope you, your colleagues, and partners will find it useful for daily business needs.

Please share what's the most important for you when it comes to file upload and sharing?
@shemaiah As a one of product doesn't make much sense because i would like more integrations .

as a react library makes a lot of sense . Like every developer would want something like this . Monetising that would be hard ( you need to sell cloud services to Developers ) but the tech seems super cool not seen anywhere
@sanyambe Compint: Track your competitors, automatically.

Some benefits:

* Monitor website changes. Whenever your competitors update pricing, launch new products, write blogs... you will be notified.

* Monitor news mentions. Whenever your competitors/market is mentioned in the news, you will see them.

* AI. You can create sales battlecards, ask questions about competitors, and do brainstorm. AI is feeded with all public knowledge about competitors, and is up to date.


What do you think?
@sanyambe Jatra: A white-label community platform focused on user-engagement. We bring your discussions, polls, quizzes, blog, events, job posts, changelog, feedback et. al. on one platform.

Link: https://jatra.club


1. Is the value proposition clear from my pitch?

2. Am I able to differentiate from the competition?
@roomsforrentatlanta The value prop is not clear . DIdn;t get even from the landing page at once . Looks cool though . Its like having a reddit / stack over flow over your domain to have community there right ? .

pitch has to be better
@sanyambe What you're working on?

Memories is a storage solution designed for individuals and families seeking a reliable long-term solution for storing personal memories. Currently, we're in the early stage, offering free plans exclusively with the option to express interest in our forthcoming paid plans. The free plan includes 10GB of storage with an annual download limit of 20GB. Our paid plans are at least 33% cheaper than all other solutions. We have a roadmap to enable a lot more features such as Client Side Encryption, Searchability.

Link to Product

https://memoriesmvp.com/ Works best on Desktop.

Questions you have

Would you use something like this? What is your feedback on the experience?

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