❓Requests for Feedback Megathread

@sanyambe Hey there! I'm working on an AI customer support platform called Chatmate - https://chatmate.fly.dev/. Chatmate is an accurate and on brand customer support agent that integreates whereever your business sends messages and allows your users to get answers, and take action. We are still working on the integrations and actions, but wanted to get something out there in the hands of users ASAP.

Soon Chatmate will support email, so you will be able to connect your customer support email. Chatmate will fine tune on your prev. support emails , and provide drafts for all incoming support emails.

Specific questions:

- Are you interested in improving your customer support? If so, please reach out and we will build whatever features you want!
@sanyambe Hey there, everyone!I'm bairi Have you ever wished there was an easier way to find Discounts and deals and save money ? Well, look no further because Universal Discounts is here to make that happen!

What is Universal Discounts, you ask? It's a fantastic platform that brings together amazing deals and offers from all the major ecommerce sites like amazon ,eBay etc., and also from local businesses, all in one convenient place. Whether you're craving a tasty meal, pampering yourself with a spa day, or looking for fun activities to enjoy with friends and family, Universal Discounts has something special just for you.

So, what are you waiting for? whether you're a talented developer, a creative marketer or someone who is interested, ready to roll up your sleeves and be part of an exciting journey, we want to connect with you! Let's work together to build Universal Discounts into something amazing.

Ready to join the team? to learn more and get in touch with me !
@sanyambe Hi guys,

I'm working on a project that helps people to easily find discounts from all major E-commerce and stores near them, Our goal is to make a platform where you can easily find discounts.

we're still working on market validation any feedback?
@sanyambe Canny Valley - Personalized Coloring and Storybooks using Stable Diffusion

Hi all,

Gearing up for a launch for a site that uses Stable Diffusion to create LoRA models of customers which then produces custom printed storybooks/coloring books using Print on Demand.

I'm happy burning through my Startup School credits but am looking for some feedback from the community prior to starting with some marketing efforts. It's a new product category so I would like to get messaging and branding on point.

@vesselofhonor This is great feedback because it tells me the description (or the cover images if you visited the site) are not showing enough of what this does. These are not stylized images but illustrations created from an AI model of the purchaser. The person is therefore put in any themed scene that is a part of the book.

It's priced at 24.99 right now but that is subject to change
@sanyambe Wondering if the messaging below makes sense to founders and developers for whom we are trying to lower costs and provide more benefits like engineering expertise hours.


Our platform offers a modular, customizable solution, emphasizing cost-effectiveness and a simplified billing approach. Think of it as crafting custom production homes for your apps, where you only pay for the raw resources you use - namely compute, storage, and bandwidth, with the platform engineering and security essentials on the house (aka free).

I am curious: Does our value proposition resonate with anyone?

Ideal for developers seeking a straightforward billing model and added advantages (linked). Does this "same price, more benefits" approach meet needs that would compel anyone to give our platform a chance?


What more information would I need to add or even understand before reaching out to people 1-1? We are working on pricing and for stateful apps but would like some early validation or feedback on the value proposition first.

Any feedback is invaluable for me at this stage, not just for refining our approach but for shaping an execution we are hoping genuinely meets a developer's needs.

There are so many cloud options/PaaS out there upselling on top of AWS, which leads to increased costs (is anyone head of Vercel today?)... trying to build something that is cost-efficient with the most value using our expertise in platform engineering.

Please let me know if you have any questions or feedback on the message above! I know the messaging can be made better- still figuring out how :L
@sunfungun okay but this is difficult . The core problem with serverless is that it promise that pay for what you use without guaranteeing usage for longer term . It work when the traffic is minimal but when the traffic is insane the cost will never make sense .

One way something like this works is that you find out some algo optimise serverless and server allocation that just divide these cost in a much better way .

If you can do that in GPU space that would be awesome
@sanyambe Hey everyone! I just released my app on iOS and Android. This is a big, big deal for me because before setting out to create this tool, I had no computer knowledge at all.

I really want to try to get funding for the development of more advanced features. But I want to make sure I'm off to a strong start. Would you mind looking over my work so far and giving me some feedback?


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