❓Requests for Feedback Megathread

@kellyomara installing an app just for feedback seems too much . Saw your video on the site as well aesthetics are amazing but the idea is not well communicated . I didn't get what the app is about except that it is a alarm app for deadlines . The site was not able to convince me to download it . A better video demo where you show its benefit while using may convince .
@sanyambe Help appreciated🙏

Hi all! We are a group of engineers validating an idea around improving and optimising the efficiency of engineering teams and rollouts 👨‍💻

If you are a solo engineer or run an engineering team, will appreciate it if you can help fill up our short 1min form:) We are launching in beta and will give early access to everyone who fills it up.

Estimated time: 1min

@sanyambe So I know you developers get loads of stuff done...Meet: Procrastination Pro

For those who need to procrastinate efficiently, this service offers a dashboard of non-urgent tasks, unnecessary online courses, and random Wikipedia articles to keep you busy without actually being productive.
@sanyambe I'll go first then!

I am building a financial advisor. It takes user's financials and interest / goals and will prepare a proper financial plan for them with milestones along the way.

It is NOT a gpt wrapper, I am building the algorithm from scratch with my expertise in the field as a portfolio manager and ex-banker.

I have an MVP in the market, 50 active testers ( organic ) and have not done any marketing yet. It is really early stage but people are loving it!

Link : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.lakeside_softwares.networth_tracker

My weaknesses are UI/UX and proper marketing / making stuff look good. Any feedback is welcome!
@legumebeans Do you have a demo video or something? I don't have an Android and this only shows your onboarding flow. Hard to give strong feedback otherwise.

I have a friend who is also building a similar product. As far as marketing goes, you'll have to decide what your target persona is, and then focus on the channels they're most likely to see. Are they:
  1. Yuppie millennials
  2. College students/recent grads
  3. Non college educated young people
(I can't really think of other user personas you'd hit, so probably one of those haha)

Frankly I would just stop what you're building and focus entirely on iOS because that's where most of your users probably are.

My thing in this space I worry about is retention, how often do they need to consistently use a financial advisor app, and how often are they going to consult it? You'd probably want to integrate into a bunch of things where it can sort of be on autopilot and the user doesn't have to consciously remember your product exists and you just reactivate them at that point. That might get a little invasive to be really helpful (search history probably being the biggest one), so I don't know if that's possible, but that's probably what I would do. For example - "I see you're looking at buying a car, here's five tips to consider" or whatever reactivation email you want to send.
@sanyambe I'm building Sweetie, it's a marketplace to help people plan date nights. Our first market is LA.


There are a few things I'm open to getting feedback on:
  • Our product is relatively useful without having to sign up (will eventually have to if you want an upsell paid service), but it makes it harder to reach out to possible users, any suggestions for converting possible users to at least sign up? Currently experimenting with a lot of different things.
  • Any tactics for finding supply. I've mostly found people through Craigslist, which most of those people are frankly the worst and super unreliable. I've tried targeting specific subreddits but most people assume you're spam if you cold DM them (and Reddit is generally antagonistic to self promotion)
  • Messaging - I usually differ between "personal date concierge" (how a lot of people describe the product to me when I explain it) and "plan the perfect date night"
  • Marketing channels - I'm trying a lot here. Haven't raised money yet (currently working through that) and our product isn't revenue generating yet (also hopefully will change soon) so I'm mostly working through free channels. Experimenting with content marketing, trying to reach out to tourism boards, answer any questions on Quora or Reddit related to my product, trying to start targeted Facebook Groups or Subreddits (I'm personally terrible at community building so this probably won't work while I'm the one running it), lots of other things. The original main channel was supposed to be cross posting from our supply, but since we couldn't launch our paid product (Stripe literally wouldn't let us use them), that's not really a channel because we aren't making money for them yet.
  • Open to any other product suggestions
@sanyambe Hi everyone! 👋

I'm excited to share a project in the FinTech+AI space.

Project Hermes - Personal financial advisor designed to understand your bank statements and credit reports with ease and intelligence.

🤖 What makes Project Hermes unique?
  • AI-powered insights: Get smart, tailored advice on your financial health.
  • Easy to use: Just upload your documents and let Hermes do the rest!
  • Secure and private: Your data's safety is our top priority.
Check it out here: https://project-hermes-ai.vercel.app/

Feedback: What features, security issues and bugs can you find?

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