10 real people's problems from Reddit (digest #3)


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Hi! Here are the other 10 problems from various subreddits:

How to update multiple excel files at once

At work, my manager has many different excel spreadsheets with budgets for each department in 30 different spreadsheets (one for each department) These spreadsheets link to a master file that is updated each month with numbers. Right now, I have to go through each department and click update and it can take me 20 minutes to go through these departments. Is there anyway to streamline this process?


Does anyone know if this functionality exists?

My company needs to build a system that integrates issue/project tracking software (like Jira) with various spreadsheets where we track specific data contained in the issue/project tracker. Here's an example: Team A uses Jira for project tracking. Team B uses a spreadsheet that includes some of the data captured by Team A in Jira. When Team A updates a Jira field, that field is automatically updated in Team B's spreadsheet. Inversely, when Team B updates their spreadsheet, that update is then reflected in Jira.The idea is that there would be automated data integration between Jira (or some other similar program) and the various spreadsheets we use. Ideally we'd have multiple teams that are able to input data that's then automatically reflected across a wide number of files. This would prevent us from having to update multiple tracking spreadsheets whenever we change one input. Does anyone know if something like this exists already? Any recommendations or guidance appreciated.


3D programs with smart block layout capability? Looking for any open source alternatives to Autodesk Factory Suite.

I'm in process of developing some freelance business and in order to streamline my work flow, I need software that can place pre-modeled and programed "smart" assembly files blocked in the fashion that the Factory Suite add-on supports. My rendered layouts will be very similar from customer to customer aside from dimensional changes, all of which would be easily satisfied with pre-programmed variable parameters, i.e., a shelf is a shelf aside from size variations. I would use Factory, but Autodesk products are quite expensive. Is there any opensource software that mimics or is capable of the same sort of functionality?


Faster tool other than using power query?

The only tool that my work server has for database management is Excel. I use power query to extract data from our salesforce database, however using PQ is very slow when cleaning the data and takes up to 10 seconds to refresh our reports. Our reports are viewed on a recurring basis (every 5 minutes or so) and everyone has access to their spreadsheets, where data needs to constantly update. Any suggestions on tools that can speed this data migration process and make data coding/cleaning a lot easier for my team?


Looking for a two-way sync solution for Woocommerce Products (with custom taxonomies/fields)

Hi! Looking for some solutions to be able to manage our WooCommerce products exclusively on Airtable, with a two-way sync (product automatically synced to AT, whatever changes made in AT, reflected on Woocommerce). We've tried to work with automators like Zapier, [Automate.io](https://automate.io), Integromat - but none of them support custom fields, we simply can't map these custom fields to our tables. We have custom taxonomies, and most importantly we need to capture product authors. Has anyone managed to successfully do this in the past? Or have any recommendations on how to do it?


Is it possible to pull specific information from a form submission and automatically populate a spreadsheet?

Hello! I work in compliance for education and I am required to submit a quarterly report with students' information (addresses, date they signed their enrollment agreement, etc.). We are looking to automate this process, because right now we are manually retrieving the required information from forms.If I created the enrollment agreement form through hubspot, is it possible to highlight specific information from the form that I want populated in a spreadsheet (e.g. Airtable)? Our enrollment agreements ask for more information than required for this particular quarterly report, but I think it would be a huge step toward automation if I could simply highlight what information I wanted automatically pulled into a spreadsheet, rather than manually going through each form and pulling the info myself.


Workflow integration to Asana

Hello ... My google powers are failing me on this, so asking here.I am looking for details (links, sample code, etc) for integrating Asana project management with Slack. Specifically: \- integration if Slack -> Asana for creating tickets/issues \- to be triggered as a step within Slack workflow. \- User selects shortcut, populates a form presented/defined by the work flow, and then that form data is used to create an Asana issue.I know there is the "/asana" app for Slack, but this only provides manual 'command line' invocation of Asana. I am hoping for something automated.


Need recommendation on software/program to help with investigations.

We use Patriot Officer to track our clients but it's not very intuitive. I'm still left having to do the majority of research into consumers/businesses to make sure something isn't it is suspicious. Is there anything that y'all use that could help? I'm currently working with Google, LinkedIn, Facebook, whitepages, things like that. LexisNexis is too pricy for my small bank, so is there anything out there similar to that, that's not as expensive?


Is there a tool that can help automate our content inventory/audit

I work at a University as part of a team producing alumni and research content. I’m a writer and editor, so my web knowledge is patchy at best. I want to put together an inventory that captures as much of our online content (articles etc) as I can. This is to help us with repurposing content, back linking etc.I started trying to do this manually, but it became obvious that it’s going to be way too much to do myself. At the moment the main things I am trying to capture are:- Title- Author- Link- Date published- Topic- Keywords- Intervieweesand a few other fields specific to our stakeholders.Are there any tools available that could help me to automate any part of this process? I’m open to paid, since I figure the amount it will save in my salary compared to me doing it manually will be worth it.


Automated form for a medical clinic

So, I'm finishing my medical residency, and I am looking for ways to work more efficiently in world that is sadly still heavily relies on paper and faxes. There are many medications that I start on a regular basis that require quite a lot of paperwork (vaccination, lab work, etc.). I'd like to make some kind of automated form, where if I check some kind of box for some medication, and all the required things (vaccines, labs, prescription, pamphlet for the patient) appear, and then I can edit it to fit the individualities of the patient. Ideally this would generate a pdf document. Is there some kind of software that could help me do that? Or I have to learn to code and do my own app?

Is it possible to pull specific information from a form submission and automatically populate a spreadsheet?

I have achieved this with Google Forms and Google Sheets in the past. It is possible. I would have to reteach myself how to do it, and write out the instructions. But, I'm on mobile and in a tent right now. So, if someone else wants to get after it — take it away!
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