200 customers, $300 monthly subscription fee, 9 paying customers. Should I try startup accelerator?


New member
Hey fellas!
Unfortunately my knowledge about startup accelerators is somewhere near 0, that’s why I am asking this question.
So I have a little sass platform for crypto traders and crypto funds that has 200 total customers, 9 paying customers ($300/month from each).
At this moment of time I feel a little exhausted, because I am a solo founder who has invested his own money and built a product, that was managed by myself. Right now I would accept some help in hiring tech specialists, marketing guys, some advices from business angels and of course, I will not refuse if somebody would give a good offer for investment.

So my question is, should I join a startup accelerator?
If yes, which country should I choose? Or better, which accelerator should I choose? I am based in Russia, but I travel a lot and don’t care where to stay. Most of our clients are from EU.
At the same time, I am afraid that if I will begin to fill random applications of different startup accelerators - it would finally kill me, so I would really appreciate your target advices.
@bestafar Probably too early for the larger more well known accelerators. Maybe YC olwould think you're idea I'd crazy enough to admit but that's a big maybe.

I should ask what is your goal with an accelerator? They are intense programs that give you more stuff to do on top of running your business. It sounds like you're about to burn out so an accelerator would likely crush you.
@bestafar Probably the only thing accelerators can help you with is growing your business. I doubt they would help you run it. And actually some would reject you straight away for being single founder.

If you need help with operations you are probably better off finding a partner or hiring one.

Also you should probably check what accelerators fits your domain. Those can help you with contacts and sales. Others will just take slice of your company in return for some cash.

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