$650 in gutter cleaning jobs booked - first weekend - I've never cleaned gutters before


New member
Hi everyone,

Just writing this post up to help people get a little push into doing something and starting something today. I work a 8-5 job M-F, so my weekends are the only time really free for getting sweaty. I put out about 15 yard signs for gutter cleaning last weekend, and booked 5 jobs (with walkable roofs) totalling $650 for this weekend. I've never cleaned gutters in my life and will be watching a couple youtube videos then getting after it. If you're lost and can't figure out an idea, just start something simple today.
@justadog Please be careful. Coming from someone who has cleaned gutters as part of my business. You should try and work from a ladder instead of a roof. Get shoes with really good grips on them and don't go on shingles when they are wet or icey. Good luck out there
@vistrosv Can confirm falls will happen. I fell off a 12ft roof while transitioning on to a ladder. The fascia broke from under me and I fell face first onto a stainless steel table. Got life flighted to nearest trauma center. Shattered my jaw and had some deep tissue damage to my leg. According to doctors, the way I fell I’m lucky to be alive. Thankfully, this happened while I was at work and had workers comp paying for everything. Morale of the story don’t be over confident and falls will happen.
@justadog Cougar paws are good when it's dry for sure. I'd recommend staying off the roof and use a ladder with a gutter tool on a pole. It will halve the amount of times you need to move the ladder increasing your speed while staying safe. It costs $50 with the pole and well worth it. Also get some $2 plastic gutter scoops instead of using your hands to fill buckets.

If you need to be on the roof you should have a harness. If you're one a roof with hoses be extra careful as I have slipped on a hose and almost fallen off a roof.

I used to offer gutter cleaning but just dropped it due to safety concerns and just focus on window cleaning now.

Also, I'd recommend getting quotes from companies in your area and see what they charge for gutter cleaning. Your prices seem a bit low for that many jobs for $750. My gutter cleaning is around $200-250 for a basic average house and can go up to 400 or 500 to give you an idea. Best of luck and congrats on hustling for some cash!
@chasmate Okay I'm going to stay off the roof till I can get a harness and work from the ladder till I get more comfortable. Do you have any recommendations for ladder safety while gutter cleaning? I'm looking at this OSHA 1 hour course:

@justadog Get ladder arms for stabilizing the top of your ladder and leg extensions to stabilize the bottom on sloped ground. Aside from that try not to rush and take your time. Keep 3 points of contact on ladder at all times and keep your hands BEHIND the side rails as you go up and down, not on the rungs as if you slip off the rung way easier to fall.

Aside from that just use common sense and take your time. Better to move the ladder once more and add a minute then fall and break your leg and be out of work.
OSHA is a little overkill for ladder stuff IMO but watch some YouTube videos on ladder safety of you're curious. Couldn't hurt
@justadog Tie off if you can and nothing shameful in wearing a hard hat and elbow/knee pads. Once watched an OSHA video of a guy falling of a roof (one story) and his knees just .... disintegrated.

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