7 Lessons I've Learned From Spending $152,010.53 Of My Own Personal Money On Facebook™ Advertising Y.T.D

@onewithfaith Nice compilation. Good to know how FB advertising works. From a customer stand point, these targeted ads from search engines are not so smart, for example I brought bags to dispose my baby's soiled diapers and Amazon/Google thinks I have a dog and advertise all dog products on my Mobile, they have no way of telling the dual intention I had in mind, of the product & I have seen so many ads show up on my mobile, days after I made a purchase and I always thought it was such waste of money for the product owner to keep advertising.
8: Get Your Rewards! - If you find yourself spending big on Facebook™, get a business credit card of some sort that will offer cashback or travel rewards.

Great tip that I've never seen mentioned elsewhere. I've spent almost 90K on FB Ads and this is a nice perk.

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