Lessons learned from 7 years of posting on Reddit

@anthonytheless Well I was in Pakistan, so monetization was difficult. I started before the 4000 Hours + 1000 subs requirement. I made a few dollars before YT changed policy. I started college and it become more difficult to continue. Although I am very proud of that channel, doing my first voice over was very difficult. Now I am much more confident :)

Thanks for asking actually, you made me remember how I overcame those struggles and even tho monetarily I didn't make it, in many ways I did.

2 rings quite loud in my head ATM, just had my first post here, to ask for advice and the post immediately got removed... have absolutely no clue "why". I haven't promoted anything, no links, just shared stats on a growth experiment and asked for advice on next steps -> removed. :\​

I've even asked one of the moderators to approve a draft for me, a few days ago, before I post anything, specifically trying to avoid to do anything wrong, but they never replied. My very first experience, many years ago was super similar and it's disappointing this side of Reddit hasn't evolved. Maybe it was just an accident, I sincerely hope so.
@afpj Yeah some subreddits have rules section + you can sort of get it if you look at the posts.

If people are posting similar content then you can guess that probably you can post. But remember that subreddits might have minimum karma or some other criteria

So you need to first participate in the community.

Also please do sub to [substack](arslanshahid.substack.com/subscribe), I'll definitely share more about Reddit.

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