$750/m passively


New member
Hi fellow entrepreneurs and wantrepreneurs!

Software developer here, wanting to talk about how I make around $750.00 a month without having to do much work.....

Okay okay, cards on the table. I spent exactly 2 weekends developing/automating processes, so I did actually have to fork out some hours in the beginning to make this relatively passive, roughly 24 consecutive hours.

Here's what I've done in one statement:

I created a platform that provisions, generates and deploys data driven soundboard apps to the Google Play Store. I've added banner and interstitial ads to all apps (this is how I make money).

Yup, that's it. Not very sexy I know, but it all started when I was browsing the Google Play Store for a soundboard and noticed that the app had millions of downloads. I was amazed that there were A LOT of people out there that would download an app that was literally a few buttons that played audio files.

There are tonnes of soundboard apps out there, but the thing I have over everyone else in the Google Play Store is scalability. I can spin up a new soundboard app in about 5 minutes and deploy it live in about 30 minutes. The actual "work" part of this process is gathering sounds for a specific topic e.g. Cat Soundboard or Dog Soundboard.

I currently have 25 apps running live and they're each making around $30.00 per month, hence the $750/month title. The amount I make per month does fluctuate a bit, but it usually does end up being around $750.00, sometimes more, sometimes less. The most I got in a month was $1,300.00.

I know it may be little money to some of you, but it pays some of my bills lol.

What I do now is when something viral happens, I jump on that and source all the audio I can on that thing and create the app for it and deploy it. I can usually get it out by the end of the day.

Even though this is a small win, I just wanted to share one of my ventures with you all.

Happy Hacking Kids!
@goddreamer0715 I wrote all the code myself from scratch. No template necessary for a simple app like this. However now that I've built the initial soundboard app, you could say that I now use that as the template for the rest of the soundboard apps :p

Edit: Remember that I've technically only written and maintained one app. The platform that I've written takes that app and inserts the data into it and then deploys the app. Which is why I can create the apps so quickly.
@mignonvds Well, it's a combination of technologies.
  • Android Studio + Kotlin for the app
  • NodeJS (JavaScript) for the API
  • PostgreSQL for the Database
  • ReactJS for the portal front end
  • Microsoft AppCenter for the automated deployments/distributions
@blazy777 Seems ballsy. With laws shifting in the EU regarding copyright enforcement it must make you wonder whether there will be a reckoning. Even though $30 isn’t much I’m assuming your earnings to date are substantial.
@pjv You're right. It is ballsy. I'm not one of those people that need to feel safe before I take a leap and execute. I take a lot of risks in business and this is no exception. Whatever happens, happens.
@pjv Well I do now.... haha.

In all seriousness, if I were affecting the original creators of the content I would feel bad. It's like asking a dude who made a compilation of quirky Sheldon Cooper quotes if they feel bad for stealing that content from CBS. To be honest, I think CBS gets more from that than they lose. It's like free advertisement.

If I took videos from small YouTube accounts and started generating a larger audience than them and profited in a big way from that, then I would feel terrible.
@ola2019 Well I'm currently banking on the virility of the content. I'm not selling a product or service, so I don't know what I'd be marketing really lol