9 days after launch and made 795$

@dandan27 Congratulations! $800 in 9 days is a great achievement. I would definitely say it’s a success.

When reading through the copy and pricing it reminded me of Marc Lou’s Shipfast. Did you take inspiration from that as well?
@juantr0n I should mention that I was inspired by many boilerplates like Shipfast and so on.However, I have observed that they are all very similar to each other.

Therefore, I have added new features that I think are missing and may be useful for developers.These include a marketing guide with backlinks, startup directories and guest blog post pages, as well as features such as canvas integration for your product.

If you have been able to examine the Nuxt Starter, you can see the difference between them better. Thank you for your valuable comment.
@dandan27 This is actually so good start man.

While you've been working on SEO, also try other form of outreach like email etc..

Seeing your product is good - It can be great to reach big audience directly in their inbox.

SEO could take time - so till that time work on non-scalable methods and make bunch of sales :)

Good luck.

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