Bootstrapped SaaS hits $5500 MRR in 3 days of launch. Here’s how I did it:

@kei77 Dude…

So many post wanting validation before they actually do anything with their idea (kinda waste of time, but whatever).

Clicked your post 100000% convinced you were going to be one of those guys I’d roll my eyes at.

Heres the best part…. You DIDN’T sit around asking for validation before doing anything. You DID the intelligent thing of creating a user base of people that would use your solution and you took feedback. You DID incentivize that following by letting them influence development.

Bravo man, and love the giving back to the community. Tons of props
@kei77 Love the use of TikTok for validation and initial launch strategy for growth.

Extremely underrated strategy for SaaS is leveraging social media as its main distribution channel.

Still a lot of founders are not exploring multiple distribution channels outside of the traditional ones.

If your SaaS is below $10k you need to keep experimenting with more distribution channels.

There’s a chance you might be missing out on a platform where your SaaS shines.
@mrswhite13 My co-founder had the same problem (wanted to grow on other platforms but didn't have the time)

He also knew other people who had paid $500 for this service. So we decide to make a solution :)
@kei77 I was one of those people contacted.

What stopped me from subbing was the fact that the monthly was $29 and you still had the watermark logo.

What are you guys thinking?
@rhemalog The videos are very expensive to generate, hence the pricing.

We took the feedback about the watermark and made it smaller and more transparent. Actually, some of our premium users are also okay with the watermark and still use it in their videos :)
@kei77 Amazing insight. I was thinking on how can I help you, so I made keywords analysis for your business.

I have a tool that can go tru thousands of keywords for your specific market and target customer and perform analysis on those keywords to come out with top 100 keywords to rank for your business.

I think this keyword analysis will help you in the future so have a look : REPURPOSEPIE KEYWORDS ANALYSIS

You can also perform the analysis your self using

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