After 4 brain surgeries, I left my 6-figure tech job. Now I’m launching a startup in public

@kaybird This is one of the dumbest things I have heard all week. I mean please prove me wrong but with your resume you should go back to work making $200k a year in San Fran. Not spend about 5 minutes coming up with a stupid idea based on a tweet.

I have about 50 red flags from your little sob story but my first question is, how will this be any different than google plus, Facebook, linkedin, etc...? What incentive will people have to use it? And please if you choose to answer this question, please refrain from using my trigger words which include: “value,” “network,” and “social.”
@abelzner Downvoters never had medical bills or genuine existential problems in their lives. The whole thread reeks of privilege rooted in a misguided sense of perseverance porn.
@kaybird I guess DISCORD does that but just for voice. You have to be in that channel and its just like a meeting room. What you are saying is with Video being on. Still a good idea.
All the best.
@jomoore58 Yea discord is a good tool for real-time communication. But there are so many teams these days that operate in different time zones, mostly asynchronously. When my teammate is in Asia and I'm in NYC, it's hard to have a real-time audio or video conversation.

I have ideas on potential solutions, but my focus right now is validating that problem.
@kaybird Hey, you should check out Tandem. We used it at our company earlier this year when lockdowns were a new phenomenon . We somehow stopped using. I personally stopped going to “watercooler” meetings.

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