AMA: I'm Daniel, non-technical cofounder of YCombinator-backed startup Sleek

@sangeria8 You might be able to get a coupon code from Honey, copy and paste it, and then checkout seamlessly with Sleek. But by using Honey upfront, we may not be able to provide cashback - it depends on the brand's rules.
@skitta Hey, well done! Have been following your progress since you got into Y.
Got a question for you about the next step of the project. I assume that the companies like honey will soon catch up and introduce something similar and will bundle with their existing features such as price matching and coupons, how would you attract new customers or the ones already using similar extensions to your app?
@travelor65 Thanks for the support! Our tech is quite innovative, and creates a competitive moat. Also, for other checkout solutions which are so heavily invested in integrated partnerships with brands, our approach would be difficult to stomach.

Right now, our approach is to offer a 10X better experience than other checkouts. No one who provides cashback completes checkouts like we do.

Moving forward, we have tons of innovative product iterations... but always down to hear it from a user! What online shopping aspect would you like improved?
Update: Thank you to everyone who commented on this post. Your feedback has been awesome and is already being implemented... for example, our new Chrome Store listing starts with "1-click checkout, +2% cashback, 2 million stores" which was a direct suggestion from this group!

As an inexperienced Redditor, I really appreciate the support and feedback from this group! Thanks again and please DM me with any feedback, questions or just to chat

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