Analyze websites using AI, collect leads for your business


New member
  1. Website:
  2. Idea: Automate finding leads on websites using AI
  3. Speech: There may be plenty of your potential customers throughout the web asking questions and recommendations, but how to find them? ChoiceChaser is here to help! It continuously checks FB groups, Reddit, X (ex twitter), local forums to find the posts of your potential customers. No more time spent manually checking websites! Join now 😁
I would appreciate any feedback and happy to answer any question you have
@namers The over the fold area seems clear enough, but I'm not really sure what I think about the logo. It's some kind of bug and reminds me of a cockroach. I don't usually want to be thinking about cockroaches. I see what you are going with the bug theme, this cute little bug will crawl the internet to find things for me. But still, I don't love it.

I find it confusing why the logo says "Choice Chaser" but the pitch and video says "ChoiceChaser". Which one is it? You need to choose one and stick with it.

The screenshot of the Youtube video looks like a hot mess and doesn't make me want to click it.

I did click it, however, and my first impression is that the audio quality is very bad. This gives a poor quality image for your entire product. You should invest $20 to get someone with proper recording equipment to record your audio. There are tons of these people on Fiverr etc.

There are some long awkward moments of silence in the video. Having a low volume neutral background music would help with this.

I don't like how the video uses fake data. This is your opportunity to show us your product. Why use "" when you could use real data?

Also, after the Create button is clicked in the video, the results look fake. Seeing actual, real world data would be much more convincing than this.

Back on the landing page, the green gradient background of "Pick the best plan based on your business needs" section doesn't look great. And the dark gradient background of "Get started in 3 easy steps" section looks like it's from some other website, it's visually not matching with anything else on this page.

I think this product looks interesting, but my main questions as your potential customer are:
1) Which websites does this support? Many websites are behind login-walls, paywalls, claudflare scrape protections etc. The video implies that this can access Facebook groups but that is basically all I know so far.

2) I really don't know how well does this works as the video seems to just show fake data. How about some kind of sample or case study? How about you use this product to find leads to this product, post the process to the website and show exactly how well this thing works?

If this really works well, it could be an awesome product.
@karenwnc I really appreciate your thorough review. Thanks a lot.

You brought up a lot of things I was concerning but I still thought that it's good enough to go.

Take outs

1. Think about the logo. Personally I like the cockroaches but I heard that many people doesn't really like it

2. Video, this is absolutely true. After watching it people think that this project is not serious enough

3. I will think about dark and light green backgrounds. I really made up design by myself and I am not a designer lol

4. Adding real data would be really helpful to show how the app works

> How about some kind of sample or case study?

The purpose of the video was to demonstrate the case study but it looks I didn't achieved that.

> How about you use this product to find leads to this product

Good catch! I actually using my product to find leads for my product, so it helps to test and improve it.

> The video implies that this can access Facebook groups but that is basically all I know

Those what I am working on at the moment. Currently working sources are Reddit and Shopify but there will be more soon.

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