Asking a web designer not to link themselves on your website - fair or unfair?

@moppu I run an agency that builds websites. If the client asks us to remove that short disclaimer during the design phase, we will of course remove it for them. It's put it there by default because we have received new customers who are impressed by our previous website designs. Plus, when the marketing person is ever replaced, they can look at the website and tell who made it and who to call for updates

You'd be amazed how often we get a call 10 years down the road from some new stranger at an old client asking if we built their website and if we can update it
@caraboot We've been in business for 50 years but only doing web and software development for maybe 16 years. I think only 2 clients have asked us to remove it in that time. They also happen to be the most difficult clients we've ever had to work with. Interesting connection we found here
@justarandomguy This. All of this.

I can't even count how many times it has come in handy for the company to track us down after a client is acquired or a new manager is put in place.

But as you said, we put it in by default and remove it upon request.
Thanks all. This is how I felt about it too but our last website build was many years ago and it didn't come up then. Glad to know I'm not the only one!