CEO asking to triple salary

Because he cares.

Yes, but why does he care so much. I get caring that you're doing a good job and caring about your employees, but 14 hr days with no days off without ownership or proper compensation is mindboggling to me. We're not talking about a charity for homeless vets, it's just a beverage company for goodness' sake. OP is displaying neurotic levels of dedication, almost as if he enjoys being trampled over on some level.
@porpoise You are not a CEO.

You are a Manager. You are learning the wrong lessons.

If I posted a story about a 19 year old girl who was 1 of 4 people at a coffee shop, and she's the key holder and the one who makes the schedule, would you call her a CEO? Cause that's what you are.

You are allowing yourself to be taken advantage of by people who, and no offense to them, probably don't even know they are taking advantage of. You should sit down, and write out where you want to be in 3 years, 5 and 10. I would suggest you also look at what it would take to run your own company. If you have carried one this far, you should have good clarity on what it takes to be successful.

The owners won't care. They probably have no idea how hard you work. Even if they know, they won't care.
You can ask for the raise, they'll probably give you like, a 30 percent increase.

You think killing yourself for them is impressive. It isn't. They have no idea and don't care.
@mayyoubeblessed Yes, this -this is probably not something the owners really even think about. I doubt there is a board or CEO in this company. I doubt the owners are intentionally taking advantage of OP, and probably have no clue the work he is doing. But from a legal perspective, I am curious about them not paying him. Like, I don't work for the DOL but I don't think an employee can even legally decline wages for months at a time?

Frankly, none of the people involved seem to have any idea about laws or procedures in businesses, which are highly regulated.
@porpoise You are being grossly taken advantage of and likely manipulated. Start a new business. Take all the customers for yourself. Then you will be CEO. Right now they’re using you like a puppet.
@misty40 Is OP the perfect employee or what? He's keeping that company alive by himself on the salary of a bottle packer (and minimum in the company) while working 14 hr days, sacrificing his health and even using his own money to grow that company which he owns 0% of.

The price for all this? A fancy "CEO" title with no meaning. I think we found the secret of a successful business, give the title of CEO to any and all employees.
@a17 Using his own money is the most fucking wild part of this story. OP... WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING???

Holy shit this story is bananas.
@porpoise I think you may want to start by sitting down with them and asking for a conversation to discuss what your job description is, your hours expected and your salary.

As for your reputation, you may want to start reaching out to all your industry contacts and ask them what jobs are available.

I suspect that at this stage in the game, you are probably fed up and done, and no matter what your bosses say, they will probably want to leave anyway.

Also, stop sacrificing for the company. That is crazy. Do not take a delayed payment. Do not work more then a 60 hour work week. If everything can't get done, then it means there is not enough money to get it done.

Also, is your title CEO or do you just feel that way?
@streakygopher Man thanks for the reply. Having stopped to think for a minute yeah I'm the CEO I am and I feel it. The first years I used the company for hardcore training what I mean by that is that mistakes were made maybe my decisions that costed tens of thousands but was on them for having a 20 year old in charge, others turned out to be great products that are now synonyms to the company.

Honestly, I think my initial plan of getting experience in a sector while working for someone has reached its finale and now it's time to go by my own, and that's always been my goal but those long late hours got me running like a rat in a wheel.
@porpoise You're not the CEO my dude lol.

Even IF they gave you the title, you still wouldn't be the CEO.

You ooze negative-CEO energy. I'm not trying to be harsh, but you just need a reality check so you don't let this happen to you again.
@porpoise Does this company make any money? If you are the CEO you should know what salary it can support for you. If it cant you should get equity. If you cant get that then walk away because you are a bottle packer with delusions of grandeur.
@porpoise Why are you doing this? As others have echoed, you’re not a CEO. The thing the consultant saw in you was a very loyal, hardworking guy, desperate to prove himself. He took advantage of that.

Why would you be spending anything to help this business, in which you have no stake, grow? It legitimately sounds like they aren’t aware you exist. If someone completely different was there next time they stopped by, would they notice? Why are you helping these people?

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