AutoOptimize - Conversion Rate Optimization Tool


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Hey everyone, my name is Areeb and I’m the founder of AutoOptimize and I need your help. I got into the startup world a decade ago where I built an SEO tool that helped you rank in Google. After growing the business to $20M in ARR I exited to take a break from it all.

I started AutoOptimize a few years ago with the goal of helping small business owners increase their conversion rate without having to obtain the technical CRO knowledge required. I built a tool that automates A/B testing; with templated tests, all the user has to do is input the content to test (i.e new headlines, new images, or videos) and the tool will automatically test the content and report back to the user which experiment was the most successful.

We’ve been in beta testing and are seeking critical feedback on the tool. We've made our platform free to use and I’d love it if you guys could help me out by letting me know your thoughts on AutoOptimize.

You can sign up for free here: Free Signup

Who is this for? (Pt. 1)​

This tool was built for anybody that is selling physical or digital products online. If you have a website with decent traffic and are looking to convert your visitors into leads or paying customers this tool is for you.
  • eCommerce Stores selling physical products
  • Online Courses / Coaching
  • Providing Digital Services (Think contract work or projects)
As we started funneling people in through paid and organic promotions (facebook and google ads, producthunt, online groups, blog posts, and ebooks) we realized that most business owners are struggling with driving traffic to their website and making a good-looking website rather than conversions. In short, we were being picked up by people that didn't have enough traffic to see much use from our tool. The only people using our tool were independent marketing contractors or small marketing agencies.

This data lead us to believe that expanding our messaging towards the marketers made more sense as our primary target audience.

Who is this for? (Pt. 2)​

We went back to the drawing board and created personas for the type of marketers that would find our tool useful:
  • Paid Digital Marketers (Facebook ads and Google ads)
    • This group understands the role of CRO on the landing page, and are comfortable with the test and learn approach.
    • The idea behind this is that their performance is measured based on ROAS and not just driving clicks or visits to a website. This tool will help them convert more of their traffic into paying customers, something they had no control over in the past.
  • Conversion Copywriters
    • This group excels at understanding their customer pain points and bringing them to the forefront of any landing page or web page. They would find value in a tool to consistently test their different copy ideas.
  • Conversion Rate Optimization Specialists
    • This group already has knowledge of CRO and can benefit from an easy-to-setup tool to save them time on the initial experiment ideation, setup, and monitoring process.
  • Small Digital Marketing Agencies (10-20 employees)
    • Subtype 1: They are already providing CRO services for their clients and are looking for a cheaper alternative to the tools they are using right now to reduce their operating costs. They may also be looking to onboard new clients, but their current CRO team already has their hands full. AutoOptimize would help them onboard and setup new clients quickly with some of the easier tests then transition to more complicated tests.
    • Subtype 2: They are currently not offering any CRO services and are looking for a solution that doesn't require a full-time expert on their team to run it. The simplicity of AutoOptimize allows any junior-level marketer to pick it up and start setting up experiments in little to no time. The idea behind this was that they would reach out to their current clients that would benefit from CRO and beta test this service with them.

The AutoOptimize Experience​

The biggest competitors in this area are Optimizely, Google Optimize, and VWO. They provide advanced CRO tests that are best suited for enterprise companies with tons of monthly traffic. These A/B test tools are great if you're experienced with conducting heuristic and click analysis on your website to come up with different test ideas. Where AutoOptimize shines is that you can skip that step altogether by selecting tests from a simple drop-down menu to conduct on your website.

Only thoroughly researched and proven tests enter our list of experiments available to our users. The goal is to remove the initial starting friction that comes with "I don't know what kind of testing I should do".

The other differentiator for AO is the ease of the experiment setup process. Ensuring that the tracking on the experiment is set up correctly, or actually editing the elements using our page builder can be an error-prone step for most beginners. This inturn leads to inaccurate conclusions from the data set that can greatly harm conversion rates. AO solves this using a guided approach:
  1. Identify elements on your page (headline, subheadline, buttons, videos, purchase link, etc.)
  2. Select from a list of experiments to run specific to these elements
  3. Select suggested or create your own variations of these elements
  4. Run project
  5. Select experiment settings (default recommended)
  6. Select the goal URL (thank you page, purchase confirmation page, etc.)
There is no technical know-how required. No need to go into the page builder (or code of the website) and edit the elements, setting up accurate tracking, and lastly no need to do the statistical calculations to reach statistical significance. AO automatically finds the winner and appends it to your website and moves onto the next element.


First of all, thank you for reaching this far into this post! I am really grateful that you're taking the time to read through this giant wall of text. As a small startup, it is very encouraging having people at least give the time to read what we have to say and offer. Your feedback in this thread, dm, or through (mailto:[][/url]) will be used to improve this post, our website, and ultimately the tool itself.

AutoOpimize is a tool that is packed with A/B tests that have proven to increase conversion rates by a minimum of 30% in the past. It removes the need to have a deep understanding of CRO, web analytics or web design skills to harness the power of A/B testing. After the initial setup, it automatically makes changes to your website as it learns what converts the best. It is a "set it and forget it" solution for anybody looking to increase their conversion rates!

I highly recommend giving our tool a test drive if you have a website to see if it helps you generate more sales from your landing page or homepage. There is a [url=]free tier available[/url] for everybody with less than 1k visitors a month.

I look forward to hearing your thoughts and ideas on improving AutoOptimize!
@pilgrimparson Great question!

LuckyOrange and HumCommerce primarily provide insights into user behavior. AutoOptimize is focused on executing these insights into A/B tests. For example, you find out through these tools that people tend to drop off on a specific page within your funnel. Now you have to come up with different tests you can do to reduce the number of drop-offs.

AO takes the guesswork out of figuring out what kind of A/B tests to do on a given page to provide the lift you're looking to achieve. Once you've identified what page you would like to optimize, plug it into AO, choose from our suggested experiments list, and hit play. AO will go through all of the queued up tests one by one, automatically implementing the winners onto your page without you doing anything else.

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