I’ve built 20%+ conversion rate landing pages. I’ll review yours for free

Scalar Sites.

This site reminds me on a std business website from early 2000.

It's SME kind of old skool design.

Only now there is alot of animation.

If someone would like this website and decide to stay to look around then I think it would be someone who is (now!) 'old' and remembers 'good ol dayzz..' when internet was slow and women had hairy legs with no tattoos.

After "Get A Free Consultation .." is getting, well let's say more ' normal' or acceptable for website anno 2024. Kinda.

I dont get services actually. It is something 'business' but .. website wants me to "Harmonize my Business.." but i dont have a clue what that is and WHY I should DO THAT?

And I have business yes.

Anyway, WHO is the client? or, WHO should be the client?
Of course, and WHY too ...
@wildnight You guys are so funny… like the other side of getting traffic is the odd. So you would never even click on the site because I would never want YOU to come to the landing page.

You guys are doing all of these landing page reviews, without putting the shoes of the target audience on.

If I target in Shopify owners, for example , this would make a heck of a lot of sense.

If I targeted WordPress as an interest, and then ran an ad that said, are you tired of paying for all of those plug-ins that don’t work well? Harmonize the mess of your website with one unified solution. Click here to learn more.

Then you would see the landing page, then you’ll have that aha moment .

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