I’ve built 20%+ conversion rate landing pages. I’ll review yours for free

@timerow I was ready to dismiss this guy based on him posting a thinly veiled ad for his services. But after seeing his replies and reading that Notion link, I can safely say, amazing, thank you for your contribution
@zuby Not OP.. but here is my take
  • Your headline copy is a little too generic "One unified platform to scale your business". I would narrow down and be specific about what problem it solves for the end user.
  • Site looks extremely busy. I would change up the fonts and the mute the colors a tad bit.
  • Reduce the number of fields in your contact form
  • Change up the animated icons for static ones (too much movement)
These suggestions wont bring you traffic, but hopefully helps with converting users..

Good luck!
@timerow To convince web design agencies to drop Wordpress and get Scalar Sites.

Everything on that page will speak to them.

Then I want them to sign up for a free consultation.
@zuby Eek wrong target market then I think? As an agency owner with a Wordpress team you’d have to buy my agency, become the operator, and deal with forcing everyone to abandon their skill set to use it yourself. Given all that friction, I’d have to see a lot of hype around the product to even check it out
@zuby We probably have 50 sites we support. We don’t do many small sites so we could spend 6 months on a build. We don’t handle email marketing for clients or other content creation. Most are on Hubspot or something simple like Mailchimp.

My point is that you’re trying to convince wp people to drop wp. Would you vibe with a landing page that tried to convince you to drop your tech stack? Makes no sense. Either the messaging has to change or the target market. But you’re going to invalidate your product with your current mix of design, copy, value prop and pricing.

I could see value for semi cookie cutter vertically specialized agencies looking for a white label dev agency to do all their wedding photography websites. Because they can sell a lot of value that those clients wouldn’t otherwise pay for.

Or I could see you being a cheaper alternative for everyone that hates being on Hubspot if it looked like you knew anything about data migration and management.

Hope that helps
@zuby Now you’re just trolling. Why… IF they’re wearing a blue shirt … why aren’t you wearing a blue shirt?

You’re asking the wrong questions. It’s not a problem for me, they are all “fine” solutions. You can’t sell me a multi-vitamin, I don’t need it.

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