Before you spend a CENT on marketing..


New member
If you’re about to start a new business or you’re currently operating as a startup, you know better than anybody that you need to start generating revenue…and fast.

A lot of times as business owners, we tend to over-engineer. But I like to look at things from a much more practical perspective. Don’t give me the fancy talk; just tell me what I’m supposed to do. What do I actually need to accomplish to start seeing revenue coming in and grow my startup?

There are 7 Key Steps you need to take BEFORE you spend a cent on marketing, to ensure you have the best shot at successful revenue growth:
  1. Set An Actionable And Achievable Goal
  2. Make A Clear And Realistic Budget To Achieve Those Goals
  3. Take Time To Understand Your Capabilities
  4. Create a Brand Identity and Build Your Brand Story
  5. Provide Free Value To Generate Demand
  6. Identify Low-Hanging Fruit Opportunities
  7. Construct A Marketing Strategy
For more: CLICK HERE
@anon9101 Define product/target market fit and get feedback early on. Build the MVP based on feedback and real user engagement, not just what you think people want/need. Simple is better, especially at initial launch. Validate the need and solution you provide and your on the way.
@anon9101 Getting started with PR can also help. Important to build quality messaging and story into the foundation of your brand. And get your expert out there talking with media, it's a great long term awareness/lead generation play. Check out for more on how to get started on your own PR!

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