If only someone told me this before my 1st startup

@wizz Number 1 always hit me hardest. Took a while to solidify that lesson. But my current product would not be nearly as production ready as it is had I not spent so much time building. Wouldn’t do it again that way, but it’s how I rationalize “time wasted”
@nadethethird thx,

yes, you're right,

however I didnt list this as my advice list.

I listed this as my personal experience and 20 things I think I've done wrong in my startup life and corrected later, which results in improvements.
@wizz Great post thanks!

I tend to think that if you want to bootstrap, you can't waste time imagining a new solution / a new market.

What do you think is the best way to enter an existing market? How would you choose such market and evaluate your chances of success?

I agree with you on consumer apps. Would you have the same judgement about prosumer-oriented apps?

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