If only someone told me this before my 1st startup

@wizz Number 1 always hit me hardest. Took a while to solidify that lesson. But my current product would not be nearly as production ready as it is had I not spent so much time building. Wouldn’t do it again that way, but it’s how I rationalize “time wasted”
@nadethethird thx,

yes, you're right,

however I didnt list this as my advice list.

I listed this as my personal experience and 20 things I think I've done wrong in my startup life and corrected later, which results in improvements.
@wizz Great post thanks!

I tend to think that if you want to bootstrap, you can't waste time imagining a new solution / a new market.

What do you think is the best way to enter an existing market? How would you choose such market and evaluate your chances of success?

I agree with you on consumer apps. Would you have the same judgement about prosumer-oriented apps?
@wizz I do a kanban/scrum type thing. I’m the only tech person in a two team founder partnership. I’m a software engineer by trade. You have to understand why scrum exists to get benefits from it. It is meant to be a template, not doctrine, for your dev process. I personally like kanban better.

The daily scrum standup is meant to encourage communication amongst your team, and your team is meant to be comprised of many different roles. From SRE to infrastructure, DevOps, client support, devs and anyone else. A quick 2 sentence of what you are doing that might effect another discipline. Example if I’m updating the release pipeline, it might throw errors for the devs and tested bug fixes may not go out so I need to mentioned that to the rest of the team. Not what I’m changing in the pipeline or what I’m attempting to fix. That is a “parking lot” conversation for anyone who may want more intimate details of the changes I’m making. It’s not the babysitting that’s it’s turned into I. So many different orgs, but rather an FYI huddle.

Unless you are technical in nature and can talk the lingo, no t just the buzzwords, you may also need 2 devs not just one. Having someone tell you to not be an idiot and stop writing the code in a crappy way is a good thing. Though this is assuming you’ve already validated the idea and the MVP is successful enough that it is getting rebuilt.

If your MVP is successful, it needs to be rebuilt. It was done with the mindset of getting it out the door as fast a possible. It is a pile of technical debt to prototype features.
@mdhope I am also a software developer by trade. Scrum is pretty awful and doesn't share any benefits whatsoever. Nothing that has ceremonies does. Methodologies do not ensure outcomes.

I agree with his experience, you don't need scrum to get things done professionally.

I agree with the risk of depending on one developer only. He can fly away and leave you with nothing.

@diwaligifts Oh sure. You don’t need scrum to get things done, but it’s a starting point to create a dev process for those who don’t know anything about the dev process. I also agree that methodologies do not ensure outcomes.

Again, they’re just templates. What you do with the template and how you apply them are important not that you implement every part of it. You can apply every part of the template, and if it is done poorly, will just end up hurting the process.
@mdhope you're right,

the MVP has to be rebuilt from scratch later when I put a proper team in place.

However most MVPs fail and we close the projects, so having just one dev on them makes it way faster to build and iterate.
@wizz Oh yea, try to not pay to have an mvp built. Lots of no code options for that. But if you have to use code, then don’t expect to keep the code of the mvp or devs to build off it.

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