Can I say that I worked for you?


New member
The market is really tough as a software developer, it’s almost impossible to break into the industry right now but my whole livelihood depends on getting employment soon or I’m screwed. I would consider myself a good dev and can show you work I’ve done (freelance, projects, my own Saas). All I need is for someone to say I worked for them so I can have “on paper”, experience. I’ll do some work for you for free if you agree, thanks.

btw ik moral concerns, but I really just have to do what I have to do right now, I don’t have a better option.
@selinakylecw Depends on the employer and the quality/relevance of your projects and your ability to sell yourself.

But there is one way you can find out.. start applying!
@veve13 As a saas founder, personal projects for me are gold. Tell me how you built it, what stack you used, walk me through it and give me your reasoning, and answer my questions on the functionality.

Do all that, and I'll rate you much higher than those who have a github of templated "examples".

You'll be fine.
@selinakylecw Show me your portfolio and you can put you worked for my marketing agency.

Everyone is so concerned about their imaginary reputations taking hits when 99% of these people are complete unknowns, and will stay that way. Very silly.

DM me OP and then if it all checks out you can update this post with a new job soon.
@gjmoody69 ive always wondered that as well. People concerned about their reputation while posting anon on a good of ya to help a guy out though
@gjmoody69 virtue signaller alert.

You can help him out without taking shots at other people mate. Also by your logic, OP can create an imaginary marketing agency without involving other people.
@selinakylecw life hack,

Start your own LLC and give yourself what ever position you want. At least if it’s a real company, when they look into it, they won’t question it much
@selinakylecw I need someone with your enthusiasm. If you are willing to learn new tech stack (if necessary), dm me to discuss my offer.

Plus honesty is best policy, never lie, you can fool everyone but not yourself. Moreover, based on what you said, it is more than enough to get decent job. Who gave you such a stupid tips to add fake experience in CV? It may work, but then you can never fully respect yourself. And that will lead to miserable life. So don't lie.
@selinakylecw What are your skills, rather than asking to lie. Can you try offering service for cheap if not free? This will give you the experience you need and expose you to an environment you will be getting into.

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