Day 2 of running ads on Reddit. What's happening here?

@harmonyindissonance Try multiple ads and double down on the top performers. This is a numbers game and you need to learn what works and what doesn’t.

A single ad gives you data on that single ad. Running a bunch of ads and constantly testing, challenging, and validating your assumptions based on data is what it’s all about.

Marketing in this nascent phase is a bit like lighting money on fire. You can burn a lot, but if you’re smart with analyzing the data you can make a diamond out of the ashes.
@harmonyindissonance This might sound stupid, but have you actually tested your site? Can someone actually sign up? I've seen cases before where people have advertised and no sign ups. Turns out they forgot something like switching out an API key from test to production and they didn't realize.
@harmonyindissonance What does the landing page look like? If you're getting the traffic and they're not converting to signups there, the issue is most likely on the landing page or in the offering. What would incentivise them to signup early? What value are they getting?