Do you ever forget important birthdays?


New member
I have. And it was a biggie.

I used to rely on Facebook for my birthday reminders. And now I'm never on Facebook.

And birthday's are a great networking opportunity for me. I take the time to phone most people who's birthday's I remember because it's a good way to stay in touch.

I also like giving gifts, genuinely. So some reminder's for important ones would be great.

The gist: I like knowing about people's birthdays, but couldn't be darned to add all of them to my calendar.

I looked around, and I can't find a decent birthday reminder tool. Maybe I didn't look hard enough but the ones that exist are shite.

Here's what I want:
  1. Sign up with Google/Facebook. One click.
  2. Add birthday's from my Facebook account for all my friends. One click.
  3. Be able to prioritize some birthday's so I get a months/week/few days notice. A few clicks.
  4. Get notifications on my phone/via email.
  5. Add notes to each birthday reminder: "John and I chatted about x y z and he said he was moving to California, should check in with him again soon"
Anyone in the same boat?
@kayvin Charge a fee. Mine would be a subscription-fee of around $2 USD/month. It's small enough that no one would blink an eye. Your target market is also pretty big though. Not in VC territory, but a nice side hustle if you have 5000 users a month.

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