Don't Listen to Your Teachers! How I made $40,000+ Selling Stickers in High School

@petertohen Since OP doesn't know what math is, he has no idea how rare these successes are.

The rest of us that didn't get successful by sheer blind luck know how much writing/math/marketing skills entrepreneurs need to effectively run an art business.
@mmarco You're a prime example of you don't know what you don't know.

You're being a bit black and white in your post. Education is important and should be encouraged. Asking you to pay attention when you're in a place where you're supposed to pay attention is not unreasonable. You were being really disrespectful to someone else's time and effort tbh. If I was building a side hustle at a corporate job blatantly in front of my boss, I'd expect a similar remark.

Also, you're looking at success very linearly. Just because you made 40k doing this does not mean you can guarantee that going forward. Being well educated is a great safety plan, adds credibility to future ventures, provides opportunities to network, great foundational skills and exposure to other points of view.

I come from a family of entrepreneurs and we've always stressed education for the reasons listed above. Don't knock it just because you decided on a different path, that's being narrow-minded.

I understand you mean to encourage entrepreneurial teens BUT acknowledge you haven't lived a long time and have no idea how much easier life is when you have a good education in case a business fails.

Your message would seem more mature if it was "you're never too young to start a business" or "entrepreneurial skills are a great addition to lessons learned in school" vs "fck the teachers, piss on education and let's chase dreams."...

Congrats on your early success.
@mmarco Love that end lesson of trust your instincts.

It’s ironic really isn’t it… deep down we all have a general idea whether something is going to work or not.

Yet so often we let popular narratives change our decision making.

Shoutout your teachers for being so wrong 🤣
@mmarco That is great, but don't forget most people can't even run with their shoes tied, so lets not make them skip school when you are clearly an outlier.
@613jono I hope to help create more outliers. Not everyone should follow this advice. But that doesn’t mean I shouldn't post it. If it helps 1 person I'd be happy
@mmarco Of course and I like this type of stories and I understand the reason why you put the title you put, but considering the amount of people trying to get rich in quick schemes, this might just come with a bit of warning.
Other than that, kudos for you
@mmarco I know this is peak content for this sub, but this shouldn't be encouraged. Happy for you bro, but you made that poor teacher's job more difficult and trashy than it already is and you don't even realize it. Teachers don't deserve that.
@mmarco I'm sorry bro, but you're really sounding dumb rn. Making your life difficult? By asking you to not be on your laptop while in class? Like you're not supposed to in the first place? Ya she's definitely the bad guy here 🙄. Poor teacher's just trying to do their job and students like you with an inflated sense of self worth make that a living hell for them. It's not nice and there's no debating that.
I hope you drop out and go full entrepreneur. Save yourself and teachers the trouble bro. Also, the end point of getting an education isn't just to make money, you're wrong if you see it that way.

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