Don't Listen to Your Teachers! How I made $40,000+ Selling Stickers in High School

@mmarco FYI, this is a good sounding story, because it relies on truth (follow your dreams, do what you want, not what you're told)...but it is also a preliminary sales letter that tries to motivate you with those truths.

That newsletter is to get your email address to hammer you with unrelenting stories about how easy it is to succeed...coupled with offers to buy a course on creating a business, which likely has writing newsletters non-stop as a major component. Note how much time the author spends marketing to people who hope to create something by teaching Not product design, finance, pitching, sourcing, finding clients - things you have to do when selling real products. I'm not knocking his business, but I am sceptical of the hook, which is creation of a physical product, being used to sell tips on virtual product creation.
@xbgx Dude get out of this subreddit, I can smell your sense of jealousy and failure 100 miles away.

When you actually run a business, you promote it and market it. Obviously you don’t get that as you probably live in your mom’s basement and have never run a business successfully. So get out of this subreddit, go act like the child you are, and play a video game.

I run a newsletter with 7,000+ subscribers. Read it or don’t, but stop with your shit.
@mmarco You run a newsletter with 7,000+ subscribers. Woo hoo for you. What original product do you sell now? You started your story about a sticker, eluding to a business selling physical products. Are you teaching people to develop and market similar products or are you upselling them digital content through your newsletter that teaches them how to write newsletters based on very little technical content and a ton of enthusiasm? But hey, it’s only $12 to upgrade, and will help you make infinitely times that, right?

Stop blowing sunshine up innocent kids assess with a bunch of vague BS statements about being a "killer marketer" and get the hell out of this subreddit yourself.
Follow-up to the story: The College Years

The summer after high school, I started designing a bunch of college stickers

When I moved into my dorm, I legit met a girl who had my stickers on her laptop: it was surreal

So I was feeling pretty confident

I went up to a group of sorority girls during lunch and asked if they needed any clothing designs

I showed them them my designs

This ended up making me thousands and a bunch of new friends!

You gotta risk it for the biscuit
@mmarco Crazy story OP. Unfortunately, I didn't have the guts to disobey my teachers when I was young, let alone have any ideas to execute. Nice job.
@rosevs Appreciate it!! My disobeying of teachers definitely got me in some trouble at times haha but I would do the same thing even more extreme if I could haha
@mmarco Goddamn there are way too many non entrepreneurial dumbasses here. I ended up making all my money on my doodles and content creation and would’ve been way better off doing more of that in high school than learning calculus. Good for you, OP.

Not every class is for every kid. Not every teacher actually gives a shit about the people they’re teaching or even about teaching at all. They’re not all worth listening to. You always gotta look out for yourself.

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