Feeling Stuck


New member
So I started my cleaning business 2 weeks ago and already have over 4 clients, subcontractor for 2 companies, and I work with 2 management companies so I feel like I’m off to a good start

I already have my LLC,EIN,Business Insurance, Google Business Profile (waiting for verification), CRM (jobber), Business Cards, Equipment,Social Media

I haven’t did any ads at the moment I’ve just been cold calling nearby areas and it actually works each day I’m cold calling to get more customers

But some odd reason after all of this I still feel like I’m stuck at a stand still I’m trying to find employees but at the moment people is money hungry expecting top dollar

So a few question I want to ask hope someone could answer
  1. What steps did you guys take on hiring employees?
  2. After all of this I did, as far as getting clients and the legal part together what next steps should I take to scale my business?
  3. Has any one else felt like you were just stuck?
@tmanocd Hello kind soul, I'd suggest you read this after fixing all the legal parts.

In case you already got 'em hammered down, here's the necessary steps:
  1. Advertise
  2. Advertise
  3. Advertise
  4. Google SEO and Optimized UI/UX website
  5. Google Maps for organic traffic near you
It is no secret these days that real growth is through digital means, and those means are noisy as hell, without advertisement your business will lose its voice and go unnoticed, I've seen many of those myself as an advertiser. focus on advertising on Facebook and IG.

Ads should be optimized, trust me, sometimes changing one sentence can boost your income from 0% to 21%, and vice versa, so you'll definitely need a person taking care of your Ads, Don't fall into the trap of the "One Man Business" it is a BLATANT and BOOOOORING lie, it is a dilemna cruising one alongside its business to a graveyard.

What you're looking for is a Business not a BUSYness

Build a website, optimize its SEO for rankability and discovery.

Update Google Maps with your business details.

Collaborate with hotels near you or airbnb if you get the chance for more authority.

And you'll be ahead of most of your competitors if you nail these.

And Good luck on your future endeavors!
@fulltimer99 Excellent advice - I agree to prioritize digital marketing & paid ads. Get all of that set up, optimized, and work on improving it constantly. Then once it pays for itself many times over, pay someone qualified to manage all of it for you.

I'd also say don't totally neglect good old fashioned boots-on-the-ground marketing. Continue with cold calls, email lists (yes this is more digital), yard signs, business cards (I have mine in 20+ coffee shops around my greater metro area and have gotten a handful of calls from them. Yard signs at highway exits and existing clients' properties yield a higher return for me).
@fulltimer99 Don't do it. DO NOT DO IT!!! four clients, keep cleaning the four clients and perhaps convince a homeless person to get off their butt and enjoy some new dollars
@tmanocd You started a small cleaning business TWO weeks ago.. Learn and absorb everything you can research online. You are not at a point where hiring employees should even be crossing your mind.. You cant even form semi-accurate business projections with only 2 weeks of operation under your belt.
@tmanocd Youtube has convinced everyone that they can start and run a successful window cleaning business, with zero experience. This work is a craft/skill.. It takes time to develop into a legitimate pro. There is no quicker way to learn than to be taught by a professional, as an employee. If you're going to push on, seek out a mentor in your city.. Maybe some other business owners/sub contractors.. 10+ houses should not be an issue. Neither should 100+ houses.. Your issue is a scheduling problem.. Compounded by your lack of knowledge regarding process and time needed.. Keep trucking..
@froginmaryland YouTube hasn’t done anything Brother I been cleaning for over 10+ years Walmart/Childrens Hospital/ Sinai Grace/Task Rabbit/ two maids and a few more gig apps I know I can run a cleaning company but I never knew the legal side of it and that’s what I’m most fighting between focusing on ( being more legal or trying to get more clients to build my list and or do more ads or get a website) that’s the problem I’m having at this time I did the easy part LLC EIN etc I got clients I’m doing the jobs Im waiting to get verified with Google YouTube gave me easy answers but they don’t tell the whole thing and that’s why I’m here seeking knowledge so know I got a few answers I can go back to the drawing board and see what will help my company
@tmanocd Then you need to schedule appropriately so you can do all these jobs.

It’s spring so this is the busiest time of year for cleaning companies. Most of these customers will be one and dones. You have no clue what kind of stable work you’ll have for the slow seasons.

What does YouTube have to do with offering a cleaning service?
@siralex172 I don’t know if your nic picking or something but I’m having a conversation with this person he literally said research and I said I been researching on YouTube for a year
@tmanocd Your run on sentence didn’t make sense. And there’s no context to what YouTube meant.

YouTube is not a good place for research. YouTube is for specifically curated content thats advertiser friendly… it’s in no way an accurate representation of anything.

What you should do is join your local chamber of commerce,attend small business seminars, see if there’s any small business workshops offered by the SBA in you’re area, see if there’s any FB groups for SB owners (networking is huge!) and don’t be afraid to talk to local people out in public who run their own small businesses.
@tmanocd I don’t have experience with this, but I am curious. Where are you? What are you wanting to pay employees? How are you trying to find employees?

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