First time founder building a SaaS product… but I feel like it’s always needing one more thing… before beta launch

@j316love Wrong Approach! Go with Android or IOS either through test flight or by sharing apk file with beta testers then after receiving the feedback start working on the improved version then go for android or ios store submission otherwise bad reviews can damage the repute.
@meduhsinman Here's something that might help.

Imagine someone else working on the same thing and they launch just one week before you.
Now since it was launched first, everyone is talking about it, it has the early mover advantage and when you launch it people are calling you a copy cat 💀

So you being just one week late now a copy cat with no users.
Feeling anxious? Good, now Ship that Shit.
@meduhsinman I agree w/ other comments


Coming from SaaS founder, gettings users is hard AF so if u launch u can see what they want, i have over 130 sign ups but no one is using my product, so you should just launch and hope people use it!
@meduhsinman Launch, stare at the 0 in your analytics dashboard, get depressed, realise that nobody gives a flying fuck about the little things you spent days perfecting, learn that people don't read, they scan the screen and only click a button if it's in their face, understand that more manual input fields= more drop-off's.

Don't make the mistake of spending months building something you have no idea how the market will respond too, run ads for a week with an exact match or phrase match and redirect to a basic webpage that just captures email with a pre-register button.

See how many clicks you get, how many submit their email.

Set a target, if you get 100 clicks and 10 emails in a week, I'll build the product or I'll shut the project, you'll save a lot of time.
@jackluies That’s a really great way to think about it. Honestly, it’s just an outline of my fears, so I totally appreciate that insight and acknowledgment that I’m not alone.
@meduhsinman You can’t imagine how much time u will have after the launch 🚀. Just make it work and launch. Also, you will get better motivation after the launch, firstly because you achieved something and second, users will be asking you to fix/add things
@raaki31b You can gather feedback in different places as well as on different steps of the flow. Like subscription cancellation, registration, onboarding, etc. Also, you can send surveys or add a banner to your app asking for feedback.
@jdvelez My initial thought was to send a survey like questionnaire to the beta testers. See what they liked and didn’t. Then get a Net promoter score. Rinse and repeat.
@meduhsinman I’m in the same boat.

Getting very close to a point where I could possibly launch a beta, but I’m worried I’ll get too nervous to actually launch.

And then of course, there is always the feeling of ‘but maybe after I add this one more thing…’
@craigp Fear. I think that’s what is stopping me as well. Fear that it will
A) fail
B) be successful
C) that no one will even see me fail.

But this post has gotten me over that fear. I’m ready to send this into the abyss lol. I just sent a message to my dev asking if we are ready for a soft beta launch. Will see what he says.

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