Ghosted after 4 interviews

@jane_ If it is startups that we are talking about, I am not surprised. I think it's for the best, because you saved yourself from working in a potentially terrible environment.
@jane_ One piece of advice that I have seen is to constantly be connecting and reaching out to previous managers/recruiters

Don’t give up, take a break slow down but don’t give yp
@jane_ If they haven’t gotten back to you after that long, they’re probably not interested. This is really common unfortunately, companies have no incentive to respond to a candidate that they’ve chosen not to hire. It’s terrible but that’s how it is
@jane_ Move on. People get hung up on one company. Really, you should be on to the next 50.

Startups have a lot of different demands on their time. Don’t get mad at them, just understand what is happening on their side. Anything that they say will take 1 week, really takes 3-6.
@jane_ Well there, Ace, if you get an anger outburst and feel abused over this, then you’ll quacking hate adult life. 😂

Seriously, you can’t control other people, but you can control your reaction to what happens in life.

As an example you could have just given them a happy sounding call to check in and ask if they’ve got some follow up questions, and ask them how things are looking.

Instead you did a form of reach out (email?! Voice message?! Text?!) that they could just add to the “we’ll get to it when we get to him”-list. And then your anger started fuming out of your ears as time kept doing its thing.

You missed an opportunity (to catch them on the phone), you’re feeling miserable, and your anger risk being noticed by them when/if they do reach out. It’s all having a negative impact on your life, and actually lowers your odds of a positive outcome.

Feel upset, get angry, and then get that out of your system.

Don’t let what other people do make yourself make yourself miserable. You know, don’t hurt yourself.

What if a person or two at their end just caught the flu?
@jane_ Then I would think you can understand why this might have occurred and would not be taking it so personally at this point. Startups are chaos, that's the trade off. It once took me 6 months between stages because stuff went to shit half way through my interview rounds. Ended up working there once stuff was back on track, and Ive been there 6 years now.
@b_chantelle Actually I did work at a Series B in college sorry that was a lie. It was pretty smooth! Also I went into their office for four hours, don’t you think I could assess the vibe? It was not chaos like you’re alluding. Also you just sound like a mean brat
@jane_ I didn’t allude anything. I made a joke that you’ve done angel, A, C but missed B. I think you’re missing me up with a different brat I mean poster.