Ghosted after 4 interviews

@jane_ Hiring in tech is fundamentally broken. It’s not just startups that do this. Enterprise companies are also guilty of ghosting or not being responsive in a timely manner.
@jane_ Follow up. Friendly and short.

More than likely, someone dropped the ball or the top person needs to sign the packet and it's stuck in their inbox with other spring break/easter weekend email.

If you do not receive a prompt response on the follow-up, just thank them for their time and leave a truthful but negative review about their hiring process on glassdoor. This will continue to hurt them for months.
@jane_ This has happened to me 2 times recently. All you can do is move on and realize you dodged a bullet. If this how they treat people they haven’t even hired yet, how do you think working for them would actually be?
Inexcusable? Absolutely.

Unfortunately not these days. Ghosting, as incredibly shi--y as it is, has somehow become somewhat of a societal norm these past few years. Just part of the general societal rot and degradation of decorum and basic politeness. 10 years ago we didn't even have 'ghosting' as a term, now it's everywhere. Casual narcissism of smartphones/social media is likely the culprit.
@jane_ Sounds like you need to realize if they treat you this way it’s probably not a good fit. Imagine culturally how they treat their employees or worse still their customers. It’s not unusual to be ghosted. I got through several rounds, met with CRO, all went well imho then 3 weeks of nothing. Called etc but no reply at all. I dropped them mentally and moved on for the reasons above.
@jane_ I learned that companies do this and other tactics to fake and lead on job postings to make their company look good and desirable, and have a rotation of applicants that they lead on for a fresh pool to choose from when they like.
@jane_ I think you need to no longer go for companies that have such a long hiring process.

Not sure how you're coping mentally.
Sorry that you're going through this.
@jane_ You should have low expectations.
Once the interview is over , you assume they will not reach out and move on.

No use of hanging on to this.
@jane_ I wouldn't really consider it abusive... abusive would be more if they were messaging you horrible things.

Just move onto the next thing.

Tis just business unfortunately
@jona23 You don’t think unpaid labor that goes to advance the organization done by someone outside, trying to join is abusive? An abuse of power?
@jane_ Did you have to do work that solved a specific issue for them or more of a technical test where you had to do some "scenarios"?
@jane_ Then how did it advance the company? It wasn't for a client of theirs it was an Interview scenario that many others have probably done before and after you.

This shit happens unfortunately and the best thing to do is keep your head, learn from it and apply what you've learned to probably get something better in time. That's the only way to look at this stuff. My apologies if my previous comments upset you further andI'm not trying to have a go at you here.

The bottom line is to companies we are all just a number on a page. I have had disastrous interviews. Once did 8 rounds for a rejection. So I do get your frustration on this.

Better luck with your next interview
@jane_ Sorry to hear that.. Unfortunately this happens alot. Move on and try not to spend your mental energy on it. Might be a blessing in disguise. I remmeber i went thorugh something similar when i first started in my career and i look back at it and i'm glad i didnt get that job