Growing gSweets šŸ“ˆ ā€“ Oct. 18, 2020


New member

The top-level numbers​

  • Starting gSweets users: 45
  • Ending gSweets users: 59

Growth strategies used​



I continued using PersistIQ to reach out to a list of potential users. I only had 1 user respond this week out of 89 emails sent. The open rate continues to be 75% which Iā€™m really happy with, but according to PersistIQā€™s tracking, almost no users are clicking on links to the demo video or the ChromeWebstore. Next week Iā€™m going to switch to a different list of leads to see if they are higher fit.

LinkedIn targeting

I took the time to identify high-fit users on LinkedIn and used Hunter to find their emails. These people all worked in content marketing or product marketing at companies like Webflow, Spotifycand Drift, some were consultants.

I sent 22 emails but only had a 27% open rate so far and 1 positive reply. I used the same subject line as my ProspectIQ emails so this was definitely a disappointing open rate.

That being said, it was great to have one person from a top-tier company want to try it out and I wouldnā€™t have reached them without this method. Iā€™ll be doubling down on it next week.


This week was a great week in Twitter outreach. I searched for tweets mentioning ā€œNotion + Google docsā€ or just ā€œGoogle docs.ā€ Itā€™s wild to see how many thousands of people are publicly talking about Docs every week. It takes a long time to find high-fit tweets and users, but there are lots of them. 4-5 strangers responded positively to DMs out of 7-10 messages sent which felt great.

Iā€™m definitely going to continue this effort, itā€™s not built for scale but feels perfect for our current weekly goals.

Itā€™s also just worth noting how easy it is to find users these days who might use your competitors or partners products. We can find hundreds of users daily [@]mentioning Google Docs with feature requests or bugs which it itself a good sign that theyā€™re engaged with the product.

Slack groups

This week I posted for the first time in Slack groups focused on our target market. Since we donā€™t have a website (and analytics) yet I set up bitly links to be able to track. The results were the following:
  1. Write the Docs (Technical writers) ā€“ 33 visitors to chrome webstore
  2. ProductPeople (PMs) ā€“ 10 visitors to chrome webstore
  3. UX Design Community (Designers) ā€“ 4 visitors to chrome webstore
  4. Online Geniuses (Marketers) ā€“ 1 visitor to chrome webstore :(
These communities are thousands of members in size (mostly inactive) but thereā€™s clearly more people who could benefit from gSweets here. Iā€™ll try posting to new channels and direct messaging this week.

Although the numbers arenā€™t that high, they were a great source of some positive feedback!


  • One key learning this week was that it can take a few days to see installs show up in your Chrome Extension portal. Donā€™t expect to see immediate analytics the way you would in GA.
  • We likely drove 60-80 visits to our extensions chrome page, but only saw ~15 installs. Thatā€™s a pretty good conversion rate, but I would expect it to be even higher, this early on. Weā€™ll continue iterating on our messaging to try and push this metric up.
Have a sweet week,

Jer & Christoph


This post originally appears on the Growing gSweets blog.
@v37 I am currently mentoring a startup which as a chrome extension as the primary product. I have suggested them something similar but on a larger scale.

BTW, I am unable to access the chrome extension, is it active?

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