How can I continue growing my cleaning business?? Currently at $10k/month

@avengingangel Thank you! We’re definitely going to try a large door hanger campaign in some of the new developments. People are flocking to FL so we thing the new developments will likely not have long standing cleaner relationships.
@don41514 Exactly. They all sign non-compete agreements. Don’t know how well they would actually hold up in a FL court but as long as it’s in the back of their minds I feel it serves it’s purpose.
@alwaystruth You are calling your employees contractors. They don’t meet the definition by IRS rules

With $500 expenses are you carrying liability insurance?

My advise for finding customers is to knock on some medium size, nice owner occupied buildings that value a relationship. Thanwillinwilling to pay for it
@alwaystruth Probably the easiest way is just to knock on some doors the old fashioned way. Just pleasantly introduce yourself. If they are pissed off at the current cleaners they will be receptive. If they aren’t immediately receptive leave your contact info in case their situation changes.
@alwaystruth This is super informative! Thanks for such an in depth post.

I’ve always been fascinated by businesses that facilitate like this. In truth you are essentially a marketing company and the fact that you are already driving so much revenue is amazing!

I’d love to know more about how you got started. Did you find clients and then go get the contractors or vise versa? What were your startup costs?

I specialize in local SEO for small and medium sized businesses so I’d be glad to chat with you about how you can grow your business organically. I’m sure we could learn a bit from each other.
@alwaystruth Hi congratulation on the growth of your company. So to add to your growth I was going to ask about your online presence, especially your social media platforms, how updated is it with contents?
With the high traffic of sales and leads on social media sites, I believe you can land more deals.
But this is where you need other hands.

Am a professional graphic designer with 4 years experience. I help businesses both online and offline to create captivating designs and content for more leads and sales.
Am interested to work with you. Let me know when you have time to discuss on how we can make your business grow more on social media platforms through captivating designs and contents.

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