Have you ever done or thought about doing the 12 Startups in 12 Months challenge?


New member
Hey guys! (And Pieter) I am planning on doing a 12 startups in 12 months challenge.

This isn’t because I’m a Pieter Levels fan-boy, I want attention or I’m jumping on the “me too” band wagon. It’s because I want deadlines to ship to.

I began my journey into tech at the start of COVID and have loved it so far. I have tinkered with a few projects in the background but rarely got past the design phase, some early building or user interviews.

The reasons are exactly as Pieter lists on his blog - 1) I get distracted my my new shiny ideas and 2) I’m shit scared of launching them in case they suck and I look like an idiot!
  1. Have many of you tried this challenge?
  2. Thought about trying it?
  3. Do you ship regularly?
  4. Do you wish you shipped more?
  5. Would this challenge help?
  6. Would you like to join me?!
I have looked online and the most formal thing I can find is six devs doing the challenge together as a cohort. Besides that there’s a few folk who have shared their experience on their blogs.

I plan to start this mid-May as I have work and family commitments I have to attend to first but then I’ll be shipping a product a month for a year.

Any feedback you have would be greatly appreciated.

Rich 🙏🏻

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