Here's my plan to start a landscaping business with only $50. Any feedback?


New member
The concept is really simple. During the year a tree will sprout branches out the top that are long and thin. They are too weak to hold fruit during the year, so they just waste the tree’s resources without bringing any results. These are called watershoots.

Each spring, the watershoots need to be cut off and the tree is generally cut back in order to make it easier to take care of.

It’s one of those things homeowners know they should do, but it’s generally a pain to take care of and gets put off.

That’s where I can come in.

The Plan
  1. Personally, I think going door to door for customer acquisition is ideal here. With some old fashioned pavement pounding I could find 3-5 clients in a good evening. Look for smallish orchards where I can knock out a bunch of trees at the same time.
  2. Buy a set of clippers. With $40 on amazon I'm are all set.
  3. Start trimming. It’s really not rocket science. If you don’t believe me, just look up a Youtube video on how to trim a tree. Easiest R&D ever.
  4. Charge $20 per tree, give the add on option of $10 to haul away all the sticks.
  5. Collect reviews on my Google Business Profile.
  6. Using all existing clients, stack another business on top.
The Business Stack

Once I have some trimming under my belt, plus a little cash, I would be able to move into phase two of your business.

If I'm careful, I can stack up some cash.

$20 per tree * 400 trees = $8,000

Then, I can afford to buy a used truck, small trailer, and used mower to get into full on landscaping contracts.

Call up every person I did trimming for and offer my services taking care of their yard all summer. Give them a monthly price and sign them up for a 3 month commitment.

Any thoughts, feedback, or ideas?
@curiousponderer Better to work under an arborist or landscape contractor for a year or two before trying this.

The lack of expertise and the low, low numbers you’re talking make your plan a very difficult way to grow.
@curiousponderer I actually think this has a much higher chance of success than others are giving it credit for. You could follow an identical model but with a different service, such as weeding, leaf raking, edging etc.
@hettie I see. So you also missed the part where OP will look for homes with "orchards" of midget "fruit" trees. Of course the "clippers" he get got from amazon will extend his reach by a foot, so he'll never need a ladder or a pole saw. The retired boomer customer who is very used to rando sales people coming to the door, asking for money, is going to be so impressed with the hard working young man, they will certainly pay "extra" for him to finish the job by cleaning up the "sticks". OP doesn't have a truck but his 2005 Corolla is surprisingly roomy. Any over flow can just be tied to the roof. Certainly, once OP has cleaned up all the suburban fruit orchards in an area, those same customers will be hoping someone would help them with the "weeds" because their "mower" guy and their "leaf" guy don't do weeds.

OP is going have a six figure midget fruit tree trimming business in 90 days!
@curiousponderer I think the negative comments are coming from a scale perspective, but from a sweaty startup perspective this is fantastic.

There are some notes for when you start to scale:
- insurance: didn’t see this factored in the cost and between potential injury on the job (to yourself or clients) and lawsuits, when you have enough clients you should expect and protect yourself from the one who is a Karen
- efficient client acquisition: how to target clients who are higher AOV/LTV
- add on services: this will probably be your big money maker, but the $20/tree deal will help you get clients in the early stages and you can decide if you need to up prices or remove this as an a la cart option later (ie: only sell packages)
@curiousponderer As some other commenters have pointed out- the OP has embedded links to their blog where they write about various ways of starting a business. The blog name is Steel Road if I read it right. It appears the OP is using this post as a way to get input for writing a new article, as well as gaining back links for google to find.

I gotta hand it to the OP - this is not a terrible way to hack the algorithm and do research on a subject you’re not familiar enough with. It is NOT the best way though.

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