High School Entrepreneurship Competition w/ $15,000 Investment Pool


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TL;DR: New high-school entrepreneurship challenge with a pool of $15,000 in return-free investment and access to a startup accelerator for winners is about to open submissions. sparkteen.org/challenge

Hi Reddit,

I’m part of an international organization called Spark Teen that unites and elevates teen entrepreneurs through funding, mentorship, and community. We’re about to launch Spark Teen Accelerator Challenge, a new entrepreneurship challenge with $15,000 in return-free investment & access to our network of world-class mentors. All you have to do is submit a five-minute pitch OR a pitch deck with a business proposal. We’re accepting both for-profit and not-for-profit organizations. Would love to hear from you guys, feel free to shoot an email, join our Slack channel, or message me over DMs if you guys have any questions.

Website: https://sparkteen.org/challenge for information.

Join our Slack.

Email: [kyler@sparkteen.org](mailto:kyler@sparkteen.org)

Instagram: spark.teen

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