How are we all feeling about odds?


New member
Spending as little time as possible worrying about this process but figured I’d check in and see how all of my fellow applicants are feeling. Only a few more days to go until we have a definitive answer! Those without interview invites, how are you feeling about your odds?

We’re still waiting on our interview invite and we’re excited to show YC what we’ve built and all of our progress since our initial submission. We’re doubly excited because this will be our first time attempting YC in ~4 years. One of my co-founders and I previously interviewed in a completely different space 2x and what a difference those intervening years have made.

See you all on the other side :)
@anna345353 Odds are low but it's not over until it's over.

I don't NEED yc to build my startup so it it not a breakpoint for me but man did I day dream about going full time doing only what I love, surrounded by like minded people.
@anna345353 I don’t know, I’m still hopeful but super anxious at the same time. I strongly believe in the product we’re building, it would be amazing to be accepted, but we’re not going to stop building our startup if we don’t. It will be easier with YC, but is not impossible without it.
@kee04 Exhilarating! Dalton interviewed me and one of my co-founders several years back for our music tech startup. Hoping we get a chance to show him all the cool things we’ve been up to since. Let us know when you get in!