How breaking my phone addiction made me a better entrepreneur and 10x’d my productivity

@cgomez I agree. One thing that helped me (and I fought for so long) was getting a smart watch. It may sound counter-intuitive, because it is another way to be connected, but I found that I could glance at it (versus getting my phone out) and see if a notification was something that required attention, or if I could ignore it and keep doing what I am doing. Before, I would have checked it, and there was always the possibility that if I didn't need to worry about whatever the notification was, that I would get distracted with something else. It put an end to that.
@cgomez Damn the first thing I did was changed my settings to grayscale and literally instantly I’m grossed out by this.

Thanks for the tips! Putting phone down to gtfo the couch & make some breakfast. Cheers !

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