How can I continue growing my cleaning business?? Currently at $10k/month


New member
Hello fellow entrepreneurs,

My partner and I started a cleaning business in Florida in June of 2023. We do residential, commercial, and Airbnb turnovers. We both have full-time jobs and do not do any cleaning ourselves. We contract out all of the cleaning and pay between 55-65% (up to 75% on very small jobs). Regarding coordination/day-to-day management, we do it all ourselves.

The Numbers:
  • January Revenue: $9,905
    • Contractor Costs: $6,310 (63.7%)
    • ~ $500/month overhead
  • February Revenue: $11,854
    • Contractor Costs: $7,325 (61.8%)
    • ~ $500/month overhead
*** We have one large airbnb management company that accounted for $6,350 (53.5%) of our revenue in February. We landed this client in the middle of December and in November we did $3,500 in rev. **\*

We are not currently spending anything on marketing and are slowly acquiring additional jobs through sporadic cold calling, word of mouth, and repeat customers who do not have regular services.

Current recurring clients (non-property management):

Commercial: 1 Residential: 5

These jobs accounted for 13.8% of our February rev.

We also do minor construction cleans now and then for a GC that we know - about 1-3/month

Where do we go from here?

Since landing our large Airbnb management company, we have learned two things: 1) airbnb turnovers take a lot more management than recurring residential/commercial. 2) landing one large property management company can really move the needle.

The bulk of our sporadic cold-calling efforts have been targeting long-term property management companies due to the volume that they provide. However, we would like to start adding more recurring jobs because they are extremely low-touch. We want to spend $ but don't know where the best place to do so is.

We ran Yelp ads for a few months but were spending a lot per lead and the majority of the leads were people looking to pay half of what we charge or trying to get a single room of their home cleaned. We’ve considered a door hanger campaign in some of the newer neighborhoods around our city (this is our number one right now). Or, we've considered investing in SEO by hiring an agency.

TLDR: I own a cleaning business that does ~10k/month and want to get more recurring clients (residential or commercial). I'm not currently spending anything on marketing but want to. What should I do?
@alwaystruth I just want to say it's pretty awesome you're able to do even that volume while working full time jobs. Nice work.

Do you have fully optimized websites, Google business and Facebook pages? Perhaps Google local service ads and Facebook ads might be the next best step if you want to spend some some marketing money. They take time and effort to learn to do correctly so if you have the revenue to pay someone to do that for you, you could produce optimized ads targeted to these long-term property management companies and clients whom would hopefully become recurring contracts.
@colin44 Thank you! We’ve got a pretty good system going that allows us to manage outside of our W2s.

We use launch kits for our website right now and if we were to invest in ads we would definitely hire somebody. Neither of us have the knowledge or time to run it on our own. I really like the idea of catering the ad campaign to property management companies. Thanks for the feedback.
@alwaystruth That's awesome! I also have a W2 and am looking to start a cleaning company to run remotely. How has it been running it remotely? Have you had any no show cleaners? Did you take a course to learn the business or how did you learn the business?
@alwaystruth I would also love some information if you could please. Been seeing videos for this type of work and I’m extremely interested. Thank you very much !!!
@alwaystruth Try applying to larger facility solution companies. They can provide additional work and increase your revenue. However, some contracts can be really cheap and can be a hassle for what it pays.

Currently at 25k monthly
@shelraepc Are you talking about facilities services companies that advertise cleaning services? Is it common they would outsource cleaning work to a smaller cleaning company?

Do you mind if i ask what role you target within these facilities services companies?
@tolditonthemountain Yes, they do. They will ask how many employees and what all services can you provide. For example, window cleaning, floor scrubbing, strip and wax and etc

In addition, it's good to network with other contractors to find out if they have worked with any of the companies in your area.
@shelraepc When you say facilities solutions companies... what are you referring to/how do they differ from property management

Also congrats on $25k/month... that's no joke
@shelraepc What else did you do besides applying to larger facility management companies in order to reach $25k/mo? What % of your monthly revenue do these companies represent? TIA for any info!
@xpres I am only with that company and I was having some issues last year and I kept a pause on new accounts.

I was with two companies before and at my highest I was at 40k a month but I decided to leave the other company due to low pay and other personal issues.

I do need to focus on getting direct accounts, but I am working on another business at the moment.

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