How do I hire right after 5 months of getting it wrong?


New member
I started working for a new startup Tech company that prefers to hire professionals with diverse backgrounds.

My company specifically likes to target the global pool, and being in charge of hiring, I have hired three DevOps so far in the last 5 months and they have been below par. I am new to this and although I have had 5 months to get this right I keep hiring wrongly. My basic issue is the last three hires do not possess the technical qualifications they display.

I need some suggestions on either how to hire right or where to hire from. Please I am beginning to get the eyes from my superiors. Any and every suggestion is welcome.
@alanfgicarl Everyone lies or embellishes, go to GTP for some best interview hiring practices for the field you are hiring for. I've been in business my whole, hiring is not only tough but extremely risky.
@alanfgicarl Something like this I would start with a strong technical lead that will build the team they need. This person should be able to create a scope and timeline and help with or do the hiring.

target the global pool

I would find someone local to you for the project lead.
@alanfgicarl This happens so often,people lie even on their resume. Hiring is a time consuming process and needs to vet the applicant thoroughly.

You said these three hires don't have technical skills they said. I am wondering if you have vetted them properly by passing through a test or technical interview with an expert in that field.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the scene we are facing a lot of issue due to these liars on platforms like LinkedIn and Upwork. Clients are having trust issues with the same thing that we actually have the skills we claim.

We just ask them to run through a rigorous evaluation process and then decide themselves. And we don't have any dissatisfied partner.