How I made $7,500 MRR in passive income in 38 days via Fitness Trainers Brokerage

For reference, I have multiple income streams (~ $45k MRR). Some of them are pretty passive (like this one), while others require consistent work.

Fitness Trainers Brokerage
  1. I contacted a few fitness trainers in my city with good reviews and low prices (from online directories) and told them I could refer some clients to them for a 30% recurring commission on an increased price, so they will make the same.
(eg. if the trainer normally charged $x/h, I will send clients to him with the price $1.3*x/h and keep $0.3*x/h, while the trainer receives $x/h)
  1. The trainers who accepted and sounded trustworthy (a short 5 min call, no face-to-face meetings) received an e-contract with the Terms & Conditions of the Partnerships. (just to be sure I don’t get screwed)
  2. I created multiple social media accounts (Facebook, Instagram, Reddit, Discord, WhatsApp) uploading a gym picture of mine (I’m not that muscular, but it still works) and some fitness-related bio.
  3. I joined countless local groups on all these platforms. It didn’t have to be gym-related, just any type of group that is local.
  4. I engaged with a lot of people, liking/commenting on their posts, and sending them DMs looking to connect.
  5. I asked them if they go to the gym. There are 2 types of answers:
A. No. -> Are you looking to start?

a. Yes, but… -> I can help you, I’m a personal trainer and I have helped a lot of people just like you.

b. No, I don’t want -> move to the next

B. Yes -> Are you satisfied with your progress recently?

a. Not really.. -> I can help you, I’m a personal trainer and I have helped a lot of people just like you.

b. Yes -> Great! I can help you go to the next level. I’m a personal trainer and I have helped a lot of people just like you.
  1. There’s obviously more than this short script, but if you have decent sales skills it shouldn’t be that hard to get some people interested. There are a lot of people who plan on starting to go to the gym but procrastinate because it seems scary at first. They are the perfect target audience.
  2. After establishing some ground, I send them an audio message/text message/call (if it’s possible) telling them I’m fully booked right now, but I spoke to my good friend who is an incredible fitness trainer and is very excited to help them. Again, if you have some decent sales skills, making the transition shouldn’t be that hard.
  3. After a lead agrees, I connect him to my fitness trainer and start receiving recurring revenue
  4. It’s a numbers game. When dealing with cold outreach, a lot of people will ghost you, or say they are interested but change their minds later. It’s important to go for high volume from day 1 on all possible platforms. Being persistent in your conversations is also very important.
Hope that helps you. I’m not saying that if you will copy this method you will make the same, because it depends a lot on your country, your city, your sales skills, and your persistence.

But I hope it gives you some inspiration on creating some alternative income streams. :)
@letmebeyourshelter Why are you sharing this info? Just to be a good guy while creating loads of competition for yourself? And why are you spamming this same exact post across multiple subs? Could it be that your real biz is venturelytics or something else that you can sell to people trying to make $ on this hustle?
@hcmcity Because this is truly a bad idea. Fitness trainers are some of the least reliable “fully employed” people in this country.
@letmebeyourshelter How do you stop the PTs from hustling you? (Saying the clients dropped but actually resigned them privately for like $1.1*x giving the client a discount and the PT a 10% increase. Surely they realise they are undercharging for their services if clients are willing to pay 30% overhead
@agustin956 in the contract I have a penalty clause stating that if they try to defraud the partnership there will be legal consequences and they have to pay me $5000. so basically contract + work only with trustworthy people
@lessthannothing Source?

It wouldnt hold up because youre not allowed to put such penalty clause in the first place. It would be too hard to enforce evidence for a lack of free will. If the client claims he left the PT for a month then came back after a change of heart (but contacted the PT not the Headhunter which makes sense to me) - you’d be out of the loop
@agustin956 I worked as a contractor and used to handle small scale recruitment. It is a standard thingy. In B2B contracts you can almost put anything.

Beside if you think about it, if you hire a headhunter to find you a person, what stops you from hiring him directly and not paying the headhunter? Only the contract.

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